First year of 'Friends of SHE' and new logo

Old logo

This promotional project 'Friends of Safe Haven Egypt' started over a year ago. Unsure if it would lead anywhere. Whether it would be useful. Some form of success.

In one year, 45 profiles were posted. Each week, 5 different adoptable cats are posted in various cat Facebook groups over a 5-week period. There is also an account on Instagram, Twitter and Mastodon.

It is estimated that this project resulted in about 10 adoptions. Since some people find SHE's cats through this promotional project but contact SHE directly, this is not always clear.

This website has been expanded and there are plans to further improve it. See for example the page Isn't this a scam? where you can also find a YouTube review of SHE and the page Reviews from adopters.

The number of visitors to this website is still very modest. But the traffic is increasing slowly. And with the relevant search terms, this website scores well in the search results.

To enter the 2nd year of operation, there is now a new logo for 'Friends of Safe Haven Egypt'. The old one wasn't really bad, but a logo with a clipart cat looking angry was certainly not ideal.

We are very happy with the new logo. The new design is the work of Tayyiba Cheema, a designer on Fiverr.

In 2024 we will continue looking for homes for the cats of Safe Haven Egypt!

Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact