
On the streets of Cairo

The angel we now present to you arrived in Haven in what is a usual manner for us.

A video circulated of a cat on the streets of Cairo limping, with a bad hind leg.

Koky – founder of Haven – asked a friend to look for this cat. Three days later she was found and arrived in Haven. That was at the end of October 2022.

As you can see in the video, Neeko's paw has recovered nicely. – Watch her play and run!

August 2023

We estimate Neeko was born around July or August 2022. So now (September 2024) she is a 2 year old.

She is a very beautiful young cat, but 'shy'. Nooko does not allow being touched at this time. That doesn't mean she's a wild cat. Merely touching is a step too far at the moment.

There's a good chance that eventually a non-touch cat can become a touch cat. Maybe just a little bit, like stroking the head. Possibly only while eating.

But it is certainly also possible that she will become a real cuddly cat. However, one cannot assume that. The adopter must be able to accept Neeko as a shy cat.

Trust must be earned. Don't impose yourself. Don't try to force them to stroke them head-on. – Neeko is not aggressive, at least not with us where we respect her boundaries.

At first she will keep her distance. Being suspicious. – When she knows that you can be trusted, she will be more relaxed.

When that trust is there, a shy cat can even lie next to you in bed. Not touching doesn't mean not being social.

Neeko is already social with other cats. She has received her vaccinations against common cat diseases. Deworming treatment and anti-flea treatment. She has a microchip that is waiting to be registered by her adopter.

Neeko is not shy about using the litter box. When she travels it will be with her vaccination record and a negative rabies test.

Who can see past Neeko's aversion to being touched? Do you think… maybe? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure.

Do you still see potential in Neeko? - Awesome! – Then contact us! And make us and Neeko happy.

Are you open to a shy cat but are you also looking for a cuddly cat? - What a luck! – Safe Haven Egypt has more than one cat available. A double adoption is also an option!


Christian on the street, end of 2021

As they often do, a video of a young cat in dire need in Cairo circulated among people active in sheltering and rescuing cats. This was at the end of 2021.

It was a cat that had clearly had something terrible happen to it. Broken jaw and his eyes were a bloody mess. – He wouldn't make it without help.

A friend of Haven took him to the vet for necessary care and cared for him for about a month. The SHE community sponsored him and named him Christian. And so, in early 2022, Christian arrived in Haven.

December 2023

Here we are two years later. Christian has become a grown-up handsome boy.

Christian is blind. The eyes are removed and closed. He must be about 2.5 years old now.

He is a gentle, calm and friendly cat. He has no tendency to bite or scratch.

Christian gets along well with other cats. He's a good eater.

He is not yet cuddly, he is a bit scared of being touched. The busy environment of Haven is not good for him. He sometimes walks a bit uncertainly and nervously through the spaces.

In a quiet house he will certainly blossom.

So he is one of the many blind SHE cats. Know that blind cats are wonderful. They are cats through and through. And they can be expected to act as cats do. Such as (possibly) found on top of a seemingly inaccessible place.

For those who delve into the world of blind cats, see . FB group Blind cats united.

Christian has been tested for FIV/FeLV in January 2025 and is FIV positive. He is now in the latent phase. Without any symptoms. How long that will last is impossible to say. When in the progressive phase, these cats can often still have a long and good life with treatment.

All cats at Safe Haven Egypt receive vaccinations against common cat diseases. An anti-worm and anti-flea treatment. Have a microchip, are castrated like Christian. They are litter box trained, – And will travel with a negative Rabies certificate and their vaccination record.

Also something that applies to all SHE cats is that they must be indoor cats. - We don't want to have to find out after adoption that adopter's promise not to let the cat roam free twas a lie . - This has even happened with a blind cat.

We would like to get our animals adopted. But that must also be done properly and safely.

Can you give our Christian a home? Want to sit together on the couch and go to sleep? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure.

And don't hesitate to contact us for questions or an adoption proposal.

Sharing this message where you can is also something that we greatly appreciate.

Christian left
December 2023
December 2022
December 2024
December 2024


This is an adopted cat

April 15, 2023, on the way to Haven

Saving stray cats is a kind of war in which hard choices have to be made. Saving all cats by taking them in to Haven is simply not possible. – Sometimes Koky will help cats that she knows about and bring them some food.

For example, Koky brought Maximus and his brother or sister, as street cats, occasionally some food.

When Koky came to visit again, Maximus' siblings where. Koky heard of a cat killed nearby that was probably the missing cat. Koky then decided to take that kitten with him to Haven. – And so Maximus arrived in Haven on April 15, 2023.

October 2023

Maximus' mother was captured, sterilized and released.

Today Maximus must be about 10 months old. He has become a handsome boy.

We suspect that his hair will become a bit longer than it is now, especially in the cooler climate. He is not fully grown yet.

Maximus is a gentle cat. And very loving. He is not a very energetic cat. He likes to leave foolish jumping around to other cats. He has no health problems.

However, he is not shy, he comes asking for attention and gently jumps on the knee instead of clawing at your shoulder like some cats do.

He gets along very well with the other cats in the group he is in now.

He's just perfect!

Maximus has received his vaccinations. Its anti-worm treatment, anti-flea treatment. Is chipped and neutered. – And obtained his certificate 'How to use the litter box' with honors.

Maximus is the only survivor of his litter as an ex-street cat. He has found safety within the walls of Haven and good care from its employees.

That is why we emphasize so strongly that our cats must be indoor cats. Although you can of course go outside in a very well-enclosed garden. We will ask you this during contacts with the prospective adopter. You will promise this in the adoption contract.

But ultimately we have no choice but to hope that the adopter is honest about it. Which unfortunately, despite all our concerns about finding a good candidate, does not always turn out to be the case.

Do you want to give Maximus a safe, loving home? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure.

The availability of Maximus here as an adoptable cat is thanks to the efforts of many people. – Please know that you will certainly not 'disturb' if you have any questions. - Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Does a cat not fit into your life right now? Maybe someone else in your circle? – Sharing is caring!

December 2023
October 2023
October 2023


This is an adopted cat


We introduce you to Davey. Just look at that face.

Amazing, right? – Who wants to adopt Davey then take a look at our adoption procedure. - And contact us to start the adoption.

You want to know more? … Real?

Davey is a sweet boy. is about two years old. He is very friendly and a fan of cuddling. He is also a social cat. Caring. He likes to wash other cats.

December 2023

He is also a calm cat who can also be playful.

Davey has had his vaccinations against common cat diseases and has been neutered. Has received deworming treatment and anti-flea treatment.

Currently he is missing some hair on his stomach. He has had an allergic reaction to something in the grass in the garden. Nothing serious.

He is litter box trained. He has no known medical problems (other than allergies).

Davey has found safety in Haven. He must also remain safe after adoption. So Davey must be an indoor cat. Or be kept in conditions where he cannot walk freely, such as on the street.

Davey is good with dogs and cat friendly dogs. And is ready to leave for a new home!


This is an adopted cat

September 2022

A common influx route of cats in Haven is that when Koky, the manager of Haven, is on her way, she notices a cat on a bridge or in a tunnel that is in a particularly dangerous situation.

Koky then has the tendency to want to catch that cat and bring it back to Haven. Koky was on her way home at the end of September 2022. She saw a cat walking on a busy bridge.

Autumn in December 2023

Koky stopped and walked towards the cat and called the cat. Koky feared that she might run away. But no. Suddenly the cat clung to Koky and laid itself on her neck and gave 'kisses'.

Our Egyptian beauty has been in Haven for over a year now. Long enough to see if we can find her a place with cat-friendly people.

We estimate Autumn to be 1.5 years old. So her 'autumn' is still far away.

Autumn is a very friendly girl, she loves to cuddle. She walks behind people to ask for attention. She is good with cats and cat-friendly dogs.

After a year of rest in Haven, Autumn can now begin her journey to her adopter. – Who will that be?

Whoever it is, it will have to be someone who can offer Autumn a safe home. She must be an indoor cat or have access to a fully enclosed outdoor area. Walking freely on the streets should not be in Autumn's life.

The lucky person who can welcome Autumn into his or her life will receive a vaccinated and sterilized Egyptian Mau. She is litter box trained. Is chipped. Has undergone deworming treatments and flea treatment.

We advise anyone thinking of taking this beautiful home into our home adoption procedure to read.

Do you have any questions or would you like to take the step to adopt Autumn? – Then contact us. – We will contact you as soon as possible.


This is an adopted cat

Orlaith in July 2021

Safe Haven Egypt not only receives requests from people who want to adopt a cat. But also from people who want to place a cat in Haven.

This could be their own pet cat(s) that they can no longer care for for whatever reason.

Or people who have taken in a street cat in need and are now looking for a solution.

For example, Koky, the manager of Haven, brought two small kittens to Haven on July 5, 2021. Koky had gone to pick it up from a woman who had recently found it on the street and had taken care of it (well) for a while.

The sisters were given the names Orlaith and Aoife. According to the first sponsor & namesake of Orlaith, the name means 'Golden Princess'.

This profile is about Orlaith, but know that her sister Aoife is also still waiting for adoption in Haven. A double adoption is therefore possible.

Orlaith has essentially spent her entire life in Haven. She must be about 2.5 years old now. – We are now looking for a good home for her.

Orlaith is a friendly cat. Very affectionate. She's not the kind of cat that's going to jump on your neck. But a cat that will walk behind you and ask to be touched. And will also sit next to you.

December 2023

Our lady is good with other cats and with cat-friendly dogs and children. She has had all her vaccinations against common cat diseases. Has been dewormed and deflead. – Has a microchip so that her new owner can register her immediately. Orlaith is litter box trained. Sterilized. – She is just a perfect adoptable cat.

If there is a candidate adopter for Orlaith, it will not be her fault that we have to wait. – She's ready to go.

Upon departure she will come with a negative rabies laboratory certificate. And her vaccination record.

Orlaith spent her entire young life in Haven (see atmospheric images of the harbour) in complete safety. – Adoption should not be a regression in that area. She must be an indoor cat or only be allowed outside in safe conditions. She should not be a cat that is allowed to explore the residential area freely. Cats are also killed on quiet streets.

Who wants to enrich his or her life with a real, genuine “SHE-cat®”? Or maybe even two? (sister Aoife?)

If you are considering this, take a look our adoption procedure. – If you have any further questions or applications, please do not hesitate to contact us. – We are happy to help you.

Does a house tiger not fit into your life right now? Maybe you know someone who would be the perfect adopter for Orlaith? – Sharing this profile is kind!