Two years of 'Friends of Safe Haven Egypt'

A post like this is very rare on this website. But this project has been around for over two years now. And there is indeed something new to say.

'Friends of Safe Haven Egypt' started as a personal promotional project of me, Walter Vermeir, after I adopted cats from SHE myself

After two years of use I can say that I am happy with this website and the results. There is a lot to find on the website. And especially the adoption cats. Many adoption cats. Which of course is what it is all about.

This website scores quite well in google, has traffic. Modest, of course, but with a clear positive evolution in those two years.

But above all, the promotion is going well. There are now over 50 cats up for adoption on the website from the approximately 300 cats in Haven!

Every week I post 5 different cats in many Facebook groups and most social media platforms. As far as I know, 22 cats were adopted in the past year thanks to this promotion project.

That is something to be proud of and I am. But things change. In about a year I expect that I will be able to let this website fade out. And that is good news!

This promotional project will soon be moulted into the official website of Safe Haven Egypt at the web address under the name 'Safe Haven Egypt'.

Although I hope and expect to make things better than they are here now, the new website will be very similar to this one. Only it will no longer be my personal project - so no posts like this here there - but the SHE website.

And very important: This project started as a personal project by and of me alone. That is no longer the case since the last half year. All the most recently added cats on the website are the work of Maud. What makes a big difference.

This website will remain online for the foreseeable future and will also be updated for a considerable period of time. After the launch of the new SHE website, both will exist side by side for at least a year. However, when promoting the cats, visitors will be sent to the new website.


Walter Vermeir

webmaster & promoter 'Friends of Safe Haven Egypt'


In April 2024, Kareema received a message from one of her regular taxi drivers. In the building where the taxi driver lived, a kitten had gotten stuck in the elevator door when it was closing. The kitten was in very bad condition and was immediately taken to the vet and operated on. After a week of intensive care, the kitten was brought to 'the haven' where he has been ever since. The kitten was named Otis by his first sponsor.

Otis is estimated to be about 1 year old, he is a male cat but neutered. Otis had a broken jaw when he was found, he had surgery for this. He needed intensive care for 1 week after the surgery. He is now a healthy young cat, with no known health problems.

Otis is very friendly and affectionate towards people. He is a real lap cat who will cuddle on your lap as soon as you sit down. He loves to be petted all the time. Otis gets along well with the other cats and cat-friendly dogs in 'the haven'. 

Like all SHE cats, Otis has had his vaccinations. These are against common cat diseases and rabies. He is also chipped and has had a deworming and anti-flea treatment. Otis is neutered and also litter box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Is anyone interested in giving this very cuddly lap cat a safe and loving home?

For more information about the adoption process, click on the link below: