
In June 2023, Kareema was tagged in a post from a mother cat who was lying in a cardboard box on the street with her 2 kittens. As always, Kareema immediately had the mother cat and 2 kittens picked up and they came to the safe environment of 'the haven'. The mother cat was named Sofia.

Sofia is estimated to be about 3 to 3.5 years old, the estimated date of birth is around November 2021. Sofia is a very calm friendly cat towards other cats and cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'. Sofia is also very friendly towards people, she will not push herself but loves to be petted.

Like all SHE cats, Sofia has received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment. Sofia is sterilized and is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this calm and friendly lady a loving home?


At the end of December 2024, Kareema saw a post about a cat that was wandering the busy streets of Cairo. In all likelihood, this cat once belonged to someone and they dumped him on the street. Because he is not used to finding food and water himself, he obviously does not stand a chance on the streets. Kareema had him rescued from the streets and since the end of December 2024 he has been a resident of 'the haven'. 

This handsome appearance was named Bluey, because of his beautiful blue eyes. He is very friendly towards people and loves to be cuddled. He also gets along well with the other cats and cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'. 

Bluey is estimated to be around 4 years old, his estimated date of birth is around 01-2021. Bluey is vaccinated against cat flu, sneezing disease and rabies, a titer determination is done for the rabies vaccination because this is necessary to be allowed to fly. He is chipped, castrated, deflead and dewormed. Bluey is litter box trained. Bluey can travel to Europe, England, the United States, Canada.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Interested in this handsome guy? Send us a message, we are happy to help you.


April 2024

Beautiful blind girl Ruby!

It was April 2024 when Kareema Ibraheem saw a post about a blind young cat on a busy street in Cairo. She didn’t hesitate for a second and brought her to safety as soon as possible.

As we all know, blind cats don't stand a chance if they are alone on the streets.

Ruby came to the harbor in May 2024 and is estimated to be just over a year old. Estimated to be born in December 2023.

She is a very gentle and friendly cat to all cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'.

When it comes to people she is still a bit shy, but with lots of time and love in a loving home of her own she can learn to trust people more and open up.

Like all SHE cats, she has received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and sterilized. Has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment.
Ruby is also litter box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. With Ruby this is extra important because she is blind and cannot see dangers on the street. A very well-sealed outdoor area or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this young, quiet girl a safe home?

Do you think that's you? View our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.

December 2024


Chucky blind on the street in need.

It was October 2021 when Kareema, the owner of Safe Haven Egypt, saw a post of a blind young cat walking on a busy road in Cairo. Kareema rescued him from the streets not long after.

Chucky has been a resident of 'the haven' for over 3 years and he would like to know what it is like to have his own loving home.

He is now estimated to be 3.5 years old and was born around April 2021.

In December 2024, his sponsor went to visit Haven in Egypt. This information also comes from the personal visit to Chucky by his sponsor.

Chucky is a very calm tomcat. If your Chucky is suddenly touched, he can sometimes get scared and then scratch once. For this reason, Chucky is better not placed in a busy family with children.

Other than being blind, there are no other known health issues. It is possible to have a FIV/FeLV test performed.

Chucky is social with cats and cat-friendly dogs.

Like all SHE cats, Chucky has been vaccinated against common cat diseases and has been given flea and worm treatments. He is chipped and castrated. And litter box trained.

Chucky was found blind on the street. Much effort has been made to give him safety and health in Haven. He must also find that safety in his new home.

Who can give him that, a safe home? In a rather quiet house? View our adoption procedure if this sounds like something for you. Don't be put off by the fact that Chucky is blind. That's okay. Blind cats are very self-reliant.

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Blinde Chucky


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Name: Mylo

Age: About 2 years old

Gender: Male castrated

Behavior/character: Mylo is a calm young tomcat who loves to be petted.

Medication/health: Mylo has a scar/small deformity on the right jaw of his mouth. Soon a number of teeth will be pulled.

Social with people: Mylo is social towards people, will not push himself but does like a pat.

Social with other cats and dogs: Mylo is the epitome of calm and gets along well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How did the cat end up in the haven: Kareema saw a post about a young tomcat that was walking on the street with an injury to his head, she immediately went to get him off the street. When she found Mylo he appeared to have a large wound on his head and he was missing a piece of tissue and skin on the right side of his jaw. This injury has healed reasonably well but he did have a scar/small deformity because of it, so you can always see his teeth on the right. Soon a number of teeth will be pulled, which were affected by all this.


Daniel was found in the summer of 2024 on a busy street in Cairo. People took a photo and shared it on Facebook. After seeing the photo, Kareema, the owner of the cat shelter, went to get him from the busy street and that's how he ended up in 'the haven'.

He is estimated to have been born around June 2023. Which makes him about 1.5 years old at the moment.

Gender: Male, neutered.

Behavior/character: Work in progress, from scared/shy to pushing up against you for a pet. Daniel was initially afraid of people, recently he is starting to trust people more and more and he also comes to you for a cuddle.

Medication/health: Healthy as far as we know, not taking any medication.

Social with people: Recently Daniel has started to trust and seek out people more and more. At first he often withdrew when you tried to pet him, but over time he started to enjoy cuddling/petting more and more and even pushed himself up against your leg.

Social with other cats and dogs: Daniel is social with other cats, but not yet familiar with dogs.


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Name: Rebel.

Age: About 6 months old.

Gender: Male castrated.

Behavior/character: Rebel is shy towards people.

Other details: 'No touch cat'.

Medication/Health: Rebel couldn't walk when he was first found but he is now a healthy young cat.

Social with people: No, Rebel is shy around people.

Social with other cats and dogs: Rebel is social with all other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How the cat ended up in the haven: Kareema recently received a message about a kitten in the busy streets of Cairo that was paralyzed from behind. It looked like he had been hit by a car or motorcycle. After some good care and a few vitamin injections, Rebel can walk properly again and is a healthy young cat.


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Jamila is a very friendly cat who is very people-oriented.

Location cat? 6th October City, Egypt – adoption to Belgium/Netherlands

Reason for rehoming? Former street cat.

How did the cat end up in the harbor?

When Kareema arrived at the SHE not long ago, she found a carrier case with a cat in it next to the harbor. In this carrier case was the beautiful and people-oriented Jamila. It happens all too often, unfortunately, that Egyptians acquire a cat and later dump it on the streets when their life changes or they no longer want the cat. Luckily for Jamila, her previous owner did not dump her on the busy streets of Cairo but put her in a carrier case next to the harbor. Even though the harbor was completely full with about 250 to 300 cats, Kareema could not leave her on the streets and took Jamila inside.

Age? 2 to 3 years old (born +/- 06-2022)

Chipped? YES

Gender? Female

Made sterile? Yes

Vaccinated? YES, Rabies & Common Cat Diseases

Defleaed? YES

Dewormed? YES

Is the cat house trained? YES

Socialized with people?

Jamila is a very friendly cat who is very people oriented. She follows you everywhere you go for a cuddle or a pat. She loves dreamies, for this she follows you everywhere and stands up to you. I am pretty sure Jamila will become a lap cat in no time once she feels comfortable in her forever home.

Socialized with pets? Jamila gets along very well with other cats and dogs that are cat-friendly.

Behavior/character? Jamila is a calm friendly cat.

Medication/health? No known problems, Jamila is a healthy young cat.

Not tested for FIV/FeLV yet. Option to get tested available.

Equipment? 2 eyes, 2 ears, 4 legs, 1 tail

Indoor cat? YES


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Pablo on the street

At the end of December 2023, Pablo came to the attention of someone who cared about Pablo's fate. He was in a very bad state at the time. Starving and weak. So weak that he could no longer really walk.

A message about Pablo on Facebook reached Haven and he was admitted.

Pablo recovered well with rest, safety and nutrition. Blood tests showed that he has kidney problems.

He needs special diet and medication. Pablo also has Cerebellar hypoplasia. A 'CH' cat. This is a developmental disorder of a part of the brain that causes control problems with movement.

Pablo was a street cat as he was found on the street. His age is uncertain but best estimate is that he is about 10 years old. He could be younger or older.

There are no street cats that are 10 years old. Pablo must have been a house cat that was no longer welcome. Putting him on the street should have been a death sentence for Pablo. If the miracle of being taken in at Haven did not happen.

Pablo is considerably older than most SHE cats. But still has many years to go. With good care.

Haven gives him a good start with the standard treatment;

He has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. Deworming and flea treatment. Is chipped and neutered.

Who can see beyond his age and his medical concerns? Does a Pablo have a chance with you? Please read our adoption procedure.

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

February 2024


This is an adopted cat

The young cat was found in a cardboard box on the street with her kittens. It is unclear whether they were dumped in the box or whether the cat chose it as a place to give birth. However, it is very clear that she is an abandoned house cat, because she is extremely trusting.

A kind person picked up the mother and her kittens and brought them to the Haven. Unfortunately, none of the babies made it.

The mother cat survived, but lost an eye due to a severe infection. The infection was treated and she was also de-fleaed, de-wormed, vaccinated, sterilized and chipped.

It is anticipated that Beauty will undergo surgery to close the eye socket to prevent the risk of a possible future infection.

In the SHE community there is a tradition: the first sponsor of a newcomer gets to choose a name. This sponsor gave her the name “Beauty”!

Beauty is now about a year and a half old and much more than a beauty!

What makes this fluffy tuxedo cat a dream cat is her personality. Koky, the founder of SHE, describes her as “super, super, super friendly”.

When you look at the pictures, you can see Beauty's affection for people in the look of her one eye! Beauty is good with everyone, … with respectful children, with cat-friendly dogs and with her own kind.

Who wants to give our cute pirate girl a loving forever home?

Beauty can travel to the EU, the UK, Canada and the US. Under certain conditions, she can also be placed in Switzerland. She has her vaccination booklet and an official rabies titer certificate with her.

Also read the information about our adoption procedureIf you have any questions don't hesitate to ask this.