
Het was begin December 2024 toen ik samen met Kareema oud Caïro bezocht. Onderweg naar de winkelstraat, de markt en het restaurant hebben we (lees Kareema) veel straatkatten gevoerd. Uit het niks dook Kareema opeens naar links, toen ze recht kwam had ze een hele kleine zwarte kitten met een dikke buik in haar handen. Het kitten was helemaal alleen op straat. Omdat Kareema het druk had met het voeren van de andere straatkatten heb ik het kleine kitten bij mij in mijn vest gestopt, lekker warm en veilig. Het kitten is 1 nacht bij Kareema thuis geweest en de ochtend erna kwam hij naar ’the haven’. Het kitten bleek helemaal vol met wormen te zitten en is hiervoor meteen behandeld. Nu 2 maanden later is het kitten gezond en al flink gegroeid. Hij heeft van mij de naam Duda gekregen, Duda betekent worm in het Arabisch. 

Duda wordt geschat op ongeveer 4 maanden oud, de geschatte geboortedatum ligt rond oktober 2024. Jabari is voor zover bekend een gezonde jonge heer nu hij verlost is van de wormen.

Duda kan goed overweg met de andere katten in ’the haven’, Omdat hij nu in het kitten appartement verblijft, waar geen honden zijn, weten we nog niet hoe hij hier op reageert. Naar mensen toe is Duda nog wat terughoudend, het ene moment komt hij voorzichtig naar je toe maar het andere moment kan hij weer weg schieten. Met veel rust, snoepjes en tijd hebben wij goede hoop dat hier nog veel winst te halen is.

Duda is klaar on te verhuizen over een maandje of 3, rond mei 2025. Hij heeft dan al zijn vaccinaties ontvangen. Dit tegen algemene kattenziekten en rabies. Ook is hij dan gechipt en heeft zijn ontwormingskuur en anti-vlooienbehandeling ontvangen. Duda is nog niet gecastreerd maar dit wordt voor mei nog gedaan. Duda is kattenbakgetraind.

We hechten veel belang aan de veiligheid van onze SHE-katten. Een SHE-adoptiekat moet binnenshuis worden gehouden. Omdat Duda sinds hij een kleine kitten is alleen maar de veilige omgeving van ’the haven’ heeft gekend is dit voor hem extra belangrijk. Een zeer goed afgesloten buitenruimte of kattenren is natuurlijk ook goed.

Wie kan deze nog wat verlegen jonge vent een veilig en liefdevol thuis bieden?

Voor meer informatie over de adoptieprocedure, klik op onderstaande link: https://safehavenegypt.net/adoptionprocedure.


It was September 2021 when Kareema's husband suddenly came home with a little kitten. He had found this kitten in an extremely busy place full of people and cars and he simply could not leave her there because she would not survive much longer. According to bystanders she had been there for about 3 days, crying out loudly. Kareema took the little kitten to the safety of 'the haven' where she was named Piper.

Piper is estimated to be about 3.5 years old of which she has been staying at 'the haven' for more than 3 years. Piper is a quiet cat that is friendly to the other cats and cat-friendly dog at 'the haven'. Piper is still shy towards people and does not let herself be touched. She will run away if you come too close. 

Like all SHE cats, Piper has received her vaccinations. These are for common cat diseases and rabies. She is also microchipped and has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment. Piper is sterilized and is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this quiet, still shy lady a loving home where she will hopefully learn to trust 'her people'. She deserves it after more than three years in 'the haven'.


It was July 2024 when Kareema found a cat that had been dumped next to 'the haven'. Unfortunately, this happens all too often and these cats don't stand a chance on the streets. The cat was quickly captured and taken inside to the safety of 'the haven'. The cat was named Sangria.

Sangria is estimated to be around 2 to 3 years old. The estimated date of birth is somewhere around August 2022. Sangria gets along well with the other cats and the cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'. Sangria is still very shy towards people, she does not let herself be touched and will run away if you come near.

Like all SHE cats, Sangria has received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment. Sangria is sterilized and is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this quiet, still shy lady a loving home where she can hopefully learn to trust 'her people'.


Astra taken from the street

In March 2022, Kareema – the manager of Haven – went shopping when she noticed a cat lying in bad condition on the side of the road. She immediately recognized this cat, it was one of the stray cats she had been feeding in this area for quite some time.

Of course Kareema immediately took this cat to the vet. Astra turned out to be very dehydrated, after a few days at the vet on a drip she completely recovered.

Astra is estimated to be almost 3 years old, born around March 2022. Astra is female, spayed. As far as we know, Astra is completely healthy.

Astra gets along well with the other cats and cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'. Astra is still a bit shy towards people.

But touching is allowed a little bit, but as soon as she notices that you are going to do that or are doing that, Astra will try to walk away. This without blowing or scratching.

Her trust will not be gained by touching her against her will. We advise the adopter to be respectful towards Astra and wait until she seeks herself physically contact.

Like all SHE cats, she has received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and sterilized. Has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment.
Astra is also litter box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Are you the needle in the haystack we are looking for who will give Astra the peace and time to thaw and let her be a cat? For questions send us a message, we are happy to assist you. And please read the adoption procedure meanwhile.


April 2024

Beautiful blind girl Ruby!

It was April 2024 when Kareema Ibraheem saw a post about a blind young cat on a busy street in Cairo. She didn’t hesitate for a second and brought her to safety as soon as possible.

As we all know, blind cats don't stand a chance if they are alone on the streets.

Ruby came to the harbor in May 2024 and is estimated to be just over a year old. Estimated to be born in December 2023.

She is a very gentle and friendly cat to all cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'.

When it comes to people she is still a bit shy, but with lots of time and love in a loving home of her own she can learn to trust people more and open up.

Like all SHE cats, she has received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and sterilized. Has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment.
Ruby is also litter box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. With Ruby this is extra important because she is blind and cannot see dangers on the street. A very well-sealed outdoor area or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this young, quiet girl a safe home?

Do you think that's you? View our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.

December 2024


Name: Cory

Age: About 5 years old.

Gender: Male, neutered. 

Behavior/character: Cory is a calm cat, friendly towards all other cats and cat-friendly dogs. 

Medication/health: Cory is completely blind and has a crooked position of his head, which he holds slightly to the right. He does not experience any discomfort from this, he manages fine in 'the haven'. Cory has no other known health problems.

Social with people: Cory is shy towards people and does not allow himself to be petted, he is a so-called 'no touch cat'.

Social with other cats and dogs: Cory is very social with other cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'. 

How the cat ended up in the haven: Cory is one of the many blind kittens that Kareema has rescued from the busy streets of Cairo. And that's a good thing because blind kittens don't stand a chance of surviving on the streets.


Name: Rebel.

Age: About 6 months old.

Gender: Male castrated.

Behavior/character: Rebel is shy towards people.

Other details: 'No touch cat'.

Medication/Health: Rebel couldn't walk when he was first found but he is now a healthy young cat.

Social with people: No, Rebel is shy around people.

Social with other cats and dogs: Rebel is social with all other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How the cat ended up in the haven: Kareema recently received a message about a kitten in the busy streets of Cairo that was paralyzed from behind. It looked like he had been hit by a car or motorcycle. After some good care and a few vitamin injections, Rebel can walk properly again and is a healthy young cat.


October 2022

In late November 2022, Kareema, the owner of Haven, went to lunch with a friend. She took the wrong road so she had to turn around by making a U-turn. There on that busy road she saw little kitten Quinn, very scared and meowing loudly.

Kareema stopped and pulled him off the busy road and then took him to the safety of the harbor.

Quinn is now two years old. He is estimated to be born in October 2022.

He is not a lap cat. He does not come and ask to be cuddled. He walks, runs and plays to be with you but does not let himself be touched. With time and a home that he can call his own 4-ever home there is room for improvement.

If you play with him a lot he will learn to trust people and hopefully become more affectionate. Since he is a playful cat this process can be a lot of fun for everyone.

December 2024

Quinn has received his vaccination for common cat diseases and rabies. He has received his worm and flea treatment. He is microchipped and neutered. And knows how to use the litter box.

He gets along well with other cats and cat friendly dogs. There are no known medical issues. He sometimes looks a bit cross-eyed. Quinn is a healthy young cat. Not yet tested for FIV/FeLV. Option to have tested is available.

As a SHE cat who has found safety in Haven we insist that it stays that way. And so Quinn must be an indoor cat or only allowed outside in a very well enclosed garden. No free roaming is allowed.

We ask anyone who can give Quinn a home to read the adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us for questions.

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Angel arriving at Haven

Upon arrival at Haven, Angel was literally a broken cat. Probably hit by a car.

Her jaw was broken and she had severe injuries to her eyes. Her jaw healed well and is fine now. Her eyes were not.

Angel is blind.

We estimate Angel to be 4 years old. Born in the first half of 2021. She was an adult when she came to Haven. And also when she went blind. Angel has a hard time with that. She is 'shy'. A 'no-touch cat'.

That is not absolute. – Koky, the manager of Haven, can sometimes, if she can take the time, gently pet her a little.

This makes Koky believe that with an adopter who is patient and can gain Angel's trust, there is potential to make her lose her shyness.

Can Angel become a cuddle cat? Possibly. – But that is not something to promise. With love and patience, much is possible.

An adopter must be able to accept Angel as being 'shy'. What will certainly help is never to forget that a blind cat is blind.

Example of a blind cat that is not sleeping

With a sighted cat you can see directly from the eyes whether it has seen you. Whether it is awake. – With a blind cat it is much more subtle to see whether it is awake or not.

Waking up a sleeping cat and startling it by touching it is not a good way to gain trust. For any cat.

Angel gets along well with other cats and dogs. It is with people that she is on her guard.

Angel doesn't like dry food. She eats wet. She is a fan of chicken and tuna.

Like all Haven cats, Angel has received her basic vaccinations and her rabies vaccine. Deworming and flea treatment. She is microchipped and sterilized. And is litter box trained.

Also standard with all SHE cats;

They came from the evil dangerous world to Haven. When they are adopted it is not to be put back into danger. SHE cats must either be indoor cats or only allowed outside in a secure environment.

We do not want the adopted cat to roam around in the adopter's neighborhood. Not even if 'It's very quiet here, hardly any cars pass by'.

So. – Who wants to give Angel a home? Will you consider this? Check out our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Seriously. Everyone involved is doing this for the cats' well-being. You're not going to interrupt.

Doesn’t a cat like Angel fit into your life right now? Maybe someone else you know does? – Sharing this post is caring!


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Kichõ was born on the streets of Cairo and survived with his mother and siblings. Two of the kittens did not survive the first days on the street, but the rest were allowed to grow up in the safety that Haven has to offer after a tough start in life.

Kichõ is truly a beauty: silky soft, deep black, fluffy fur and breathtaking green eyes!

But he is also a 'shy' boy. He is not (yet) a cuddly cat. He prefers not to be touched. Trust needs to grow in some cats. Kichõ is such a cat. If he is adopted and he starts to feel safe and gains confidence in his human, that can certainly change.

A shy cat, a 'don't touch cat', has the potential to become a cuddle cat. Or a cat that one can touch to a limited extent. There are no guarantees here. An adopter must be able to accept that Kichõ can be a cat that does its own thing. Not on your lap. But possibly in the seat next to you, as long as you stay away from him.

It is estimated that Kichõ was born in April 2021. He is therefore 3 years old and has been living in Haven almost all his life.

Like all SHE cats, Kichõ is neutered, deflead, dewormed, chipped and fully vaccinated. And he knows how to use the litter box.

He can travel to Europe with a negative rabies certificate and all necessary documents. Kichõ is looking for a safe home. He must be an indoor cat or only go outside in a very well-enclosed garden.

Kichõ's coat is still short because he is still young. It may well be that his coat becomes even longer and thicker with age and in a cooler climate. Do you want to give this black beauty your heart?

If you are interested in our cats, You can find more information about the adoption procedure here. - Do not hesitate to contact us.

Currently no room in your plan for Kichõ? Maybe you know who can give a home to a cat that is more difficult to place? – Sharing is caring! (buttons at the bottom)