
Begin december 2024 zag Kareema een post over een kat die gewond was aan zijn rechter oog en linker voorpootje. Kareema heeft het katje meteen laten invangen en naar de dierenarts laten brengen. Het rechter oogje was helaas niet meer te redden en is verwijderd. Het linker pootje is gebroken geweest en verkeerd aan elkaar gegroeid, hier heeft de kat geen last van dus hiervoor hoefde hij niet geopereerd te worden. Nadat de kat de zorg kreeg die hij nodig had kwam hij naar de veiligheid van ’the haven’. De kat kreeg de naam Jabari van zijn eerste sponsor. 

Jabari wordt geschat op ongeveer 2 jaar oud, de geschatte geboortedatum ligt rond februari 2023. Jabari is voor zover bekend een gezonde jonge heer die geen hinder ondervind van het feit dat hij zijn rechter oogje mist en een deformatie heeft aan zijn linker voorpootje.

Jabari is een zeer vriendelijke en aanhankelijke kat . Jabari is vriendelijk en rustig naar mensen toe, hij houdt ervan om aangehaald te worden. Ook kan hij goed overweg met de andere katten en kat-vriendelijke honden in ’the haven’.

Zoals alle SHE-katten heeft Jabari zijn vaccinaties ontvangen. Dit tegen algemene kattenziekten en rabies. Hij is ook gechipt en heeft zijn ontwormingskuur en anti-vlooienbehandeling ontvangen. Jabari is gecastreerd en is ook kattenbakgetraind.

We hechten veel belang aan de veiligheid van onze SHE-katten. Een SHE-adoptiekat moet binnenshuis worden gehouden. Omdat Jabari een oogje mist en een deformatie heeft aan een voorpootje is dit voor hem extra belangrijk. Een zeer goed afgesloten buitenruimte of kattenren is natuurlijk ook goed.

Wie kan deze vriendelijke en knuffelige heer een veilig en liefdevol thuis bieden?

Voor meer informatie over de adoptieprocedure, klik op onderstaande link: https://safehavenegypt.net/adoptionprocedure


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Barbossa was surrendered to the Haven by his owners a few weeks ago.

The owners no longer wanted him because he had gone blind in one eye and were going to dump him on the streets if Kareema didn't take him into the Haven.

Kareema couldn't let this happen of course. She quickly took Barbossa inside because Barbossa doesn't stand a chance on the busy streets of Cairo because he has always lived indoors.

The eye that he is blind in will soon be removed, so he is now a one-eyed cat.

Barbossa is estimated to be 3 years old (date of birth +/- 12-2021). He is a friendly boy, is calm, loves to be petted. But he will not impose himself and ask for attention.

Not yet a lap cat but there is certainly room for improvement. Basbossa is good with other cats and cat friendly dogs.

Like all SHE cats, he has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases and against rabies. He has had a deworming and anti-flea treatment. He is chipped and neutered. Barbossa is litter-box trained.

Barbossa is not an ex-street cat. He is an ex-house cat. He is looking for a home where he will be appreciated more than his previous owners.

Who will promise not to cast Barbossa out again? Is that you? – Check out our adoption procedure. And please don't hesitate to contact us for questions.

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024


This is an adopted cat

The young cat was found in a cardboard box on the street with her kittens. It is unclear whether they were dumped in the box or whether the cat chose it as a place to give birth. However, it is very clear that she is an abandoned house cat, because she is extremely trusting.

A kind person picked up the mother and her kittens and brought them to the Haven. Unfortunately, none of the babies made it.

The mother cat survived, but lost an eye due to a severe infection. The infection was treated and she was also de-fleaed, de-wormed, vaccinated, sterilized and chipped.

It is anticipated that Beauty will undergo surgery to close the eye socket to prevent the risk of a possible future infection.

In the SHE community there is a tradition: the first sponsor of a newcomer gets to choose a name. This sponsor gave her the name “Beauty”!

Beauty is now about a year and a half old and much more than a beauty!

What makes this fluffy tuxedo cat a dream cat is her personality. Koky, the founder of SHE, describes her as “super, super, super friendly”.

When you look at the pictures, you can see Beauty's affection for people in the look of her one eye! Beauty is good with everyone, … with respectful children, with cat-friendly dogs and with her own kind.

Who wants to give our cute pirate girl a loving forever home?

Beauty can travel to the EU, the UK, Canada and the US. Under certain conditions, she can also be placed in Switzerland. She has her vaccination booklet and an official rabies titer certificate with her.

Also read the information about our adoption procedureIf you have any questions don't hesitate to ask this.


Minnie on the street

End of November 2023; a report about a cat whose kittens were taken by children and is whining. The day after a report of two kittens whose mother was run over and are also whining.

All three are admitted to Haven. One of the two kittens survives. And so does the mother cat. She is named Minnie by her first sponsor.

Minnie had an infection in her left eye that medication could not save. It was removed and closed.

Before her surgery

We now introduce you to the beautiful friendly Minnie. She is very, very sweet. Very affectionate. She likes to sit in the garden and enjoy.

She is estimated to be born around the summer of 2022. That makes Minnie currently a 2 year old. She is described as a small cat in size.

Minnie is ready to go to her forever home. She has received her basic vaccinations, including Rabies. She is microchipped and spayed. Minnie has received her deworming and flea treatment. And fear not; even with only one eye, Minnie can find the litter box.

As a former street cat, we attach great importance to the safety of our cats. Therefore, Minnie must be an indoor cat or only come outside in a closed, secure garden.

Do you see Minnie as a fit for your family? Then read on the adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us with all your questions.

Gorgeous Minnie is a total cuddle monster! She seeks me out every time I have been to the Haven this week and sticks to me like glue. She just wants her very own human to love. Whoever adopts her will be incredibly lucky!

Helen Peach, visitor to Haven

November 2024
Before the operation


Many very young kittens arrive at Safe Haven Egypt. With their mom. But sometimes not. They then have to be bottle fed. That is a lot of work.

But this also results in kittens that are very familiar with people.

Fatima has been a bottle baby. And she has become a friendly young calico cat.

Our girl is one-eyed. Her other eye is cloudy. The fact that she only has a single eye is not a handicap for a domestic cat. Even completely blind cats can handle themselves perfectly.

Fatima is now 1.5 years young. She can live well with other cats and dogs.

She can't be torn away from you once she finds you. She tends to follow you closely. She looks a little cross-eyed with her good eye. She is a very nice cat.

All SHE cats are vaccinated against common cat diseases and rabies. They received an anti-worm and anti-flea treatment. They are chipped and taught to use the litter box.

An essential part of a suitable home for a SHE cat is that it is a safe home. Fatima must be an indoor cat. Or go outside in a very well-enclosed garden from which she cannot escape.

Do you think that giving Fatima a safe and loving home is within your capabilities? – Then check out our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us contact.

December 2024
December 2024