
In januari 2023 zag Kareema een post over een verlamde kat die gedumpt was in het afval met de infuusnaald nog in zijn pootje. Omdat een verlamde kat geen schijn van kans heeft om te overleven op straat liet Kareema hem meteen invangen en naar de dierenarts brengen. Na een behandeling en flink wat TLC kwam de kat uiteindelijk naar de veilige omgeving van ’the haven’. De eerste sponsor gaf deze grote jongen de naar Gordon.

Gordon wordt geschat op ongeveer 4 tot 5 jaar oud, de geschatte geboortedatum ligt rond augustus 2020. Gordon is voor zover bekend een gezonde heer die gelukkig weer rond loopt zonder problemen.

Gordon is een zeer vriendelijke en rustige kat die goed bij kinderen geplaatst zou kunnen worden. Gordon is vriendelijk en rustig naar mensen toe, hij houdt ervan om aangehaald te worden. Ook kan hij goed overweg met de andere katten en kat-vriendelijke honden in ’the haven’.

Zoals alle SHE-katten heeft Gordon zijn vaccinaties ontvangen. Dit tegen algemene kattenziekten en rabies. Hij is ook gechipt en heeft zijn ontwormingskuur en anti-vlooienbehandeling ontvangen. Gordon is gecastreerd en is ook kattenbakgetraind.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Wie kan deze rustige en vriendelijke heer een liefdevol thuis bieden?

Voor meer informatie over de adoptieprocedure, klik op onderstaande link:


It was October 2024 when Kareema saw a message about an old blind cat that was wandering the streets of Cairo. It looked like he had been hit by a car. Because blind cats have no chance of survival on the streets alone, she immediately went to rescue him from the streets. He was blind, missing a piece of his tail and his jaw was broken. He was helped with this. Not much later, this senior came to 'the haven' and was given the name Mickey. 

Mickey on the street

Mickey has not had an easy life, and he has the body to show it. The poor guy is blind and has lost part of his tail. It is truly a miracle that he has lived so long on the streets of Cairo. Mickey is estimated to be about 9 years old. 

Despite his hard life, Mickey is a very calm and loving boy. He really likes to be cuddled and purrs loudly when he gets some attention and petting. He is very relaxed. Mickey is also very friendly to other cats and the cat-friendly dog. 

Like all SHE cats, Mickey has received his vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. He is also chipped and has received his deworming and anti-flea treatment. Mickey is neutered and is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. Because Mickey is blind, it is extra important that he cannot go outside. A very well-sealed outdoor area or cat run is of course also good.

Mickey had previously been adopted, but unfortunately Mickey's adoption did not go through.

We hope someone is interested in giving this sweet, relaxed old guy a loving home, he deserves it so much!

Are you that person? Then take a look the adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us for questions.


It was October 2022 when Kareema Ibraheem received a message about a tiny kitten wandering alone on the busy streets of Cairo. As always, Kareema made sure that the kitten was taken off the dangerous busy street as soon as possible. This little guy ended up in 'the haven' and was given the name Pluto.

Pluto had a very big belly full of feces, on the street he probably wouldn't have lasted much longer. With the right treatment and lots of TLC, Pluto has grown into a healthy young boy. Pluto is estimated to be around 2.5 years old, date of birth will be sometime in August 2022. 

Pluto is a very gentle and friendly cat to all cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'. Pluto is also a real cuddler towards people, he loves to be petted and will occasionally crawl on your lap for some attention.

Like all SHE cats, Pluto has received his vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. He is also chipped and neutered. Has received his deworming and anti-flea treatment. Pluto is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. With Pluto this is extra important because he has grown up in the safety of the shelter from an early age. A very well-enclosed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this young cuddly guy a safe home?


Chucky blind on the street in need.

It was October 2021 when Kareema, the owner of Safe Haven Egypt, saw a post of a blind young cat walking on a busy road in Cairo. Kareema rescued him from the streets not long after.

Chucky has been a resident of 'the haven' for over 3 years and he would like to know what it is like to have his own loving home.

He is now estimated to be 3.5 years old and was born around April 2021.

In December 2024, his sponsor went to visit Haven in Egypt. This information also comes from the personal visit to Chucky by his sponsor.

Chucky is a very calm tomcat. If your Chucky is suddenly touched, he can sometimes get scared and then scratch once. For this reason, Chucky is better not placed in a busy family with children.

Other than being blind, there are no other known health issues. It is possible to have a FIV/FeLV test performed.

Chucky is social with cats and cat-friendly dogs.

Like all SHE cats, Chucky has been vaccinated against common cat diseases and has been given flea and worm treatments. He is chipped and castrated. And litter box trained.

Chucky was found blind on the street. Much effort has been made to give him safety and health in Haven. He must also find that safety in his new home.

Who can give him that, a safe home? In a rather quiet house? View our adoption procedure if this sounds like something for you. Don't be put off by the fact that Chucky is blind. That's okay. Blind cats are very self-reliant.

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Blinde Chucky


Christian on the street, end of 2021

As they often do, a video of a young cat in dire need in Cairo circulated among people active in sheltering and rescuing cats. This was at the end of 2021.

It was a cat that had clearly had something terrible happen to it. Broken jaw and his eyes were a bloody mess. – He wouldn't make it without help.

A friend of Haven took him to the vet for necessary care and cared for him for about a month. The SHE community sponsored him and named him Christian. And so, in early 2022, Christian arrived in Haven.

December 2023

Here we are two years later. Christian has become a grown-up handsome boy.

Christian is blind. The eyes are removed and closed. He must be about 2.5 years old now.

He is a gentle, calm and friendly cat. He has no tendency to bite or scratch.

Christian gets along well with other cats. He's a good eater.

He is not yet cuddly, he is a bit scared of being touched. The busy environment of Haven is not good for him. He sometimes walks a bit uncertainly and nervously through the spaces.

In a quiet house he will certainly blossom.

So he is one of the many blind SHE cats. Know that blind cats are wonderful. They are cats through and through. And they can be expected to act as cats do. Such as (possibly) found on top of a seemingly inaccessible place.

For those who delve into the world of blind cats, see . FB group Blind cats united.

Christian has been tested for FIV/FeLV in January 2025 and is FIV positive. He is now in the latent phase. Without any symptoms. How long that will last is impossible to say. When in the progressive phase, these cats can often still have a long and good life with treatment.

All cats at Safe Haven Egypt receive vaccinations against common cat diseases. An anti-worm and anti-flea treatment. Have a microchip, are castrated like Christian. They are litter box trained, – And will travel with a negative Rabies certificate and their vaccination record.

Also something that applies to all SHE cats is that they must be indoor cats. - We don't want to have to find out after adoption that adopter's promise not to let the cat roam free twas a lie . - This has even happened with a blind cat.

We would like to get our animals adopted. But that must also be done properly and safely.

Can you give our Christian a home? Want to sit together on the couch and go to sleep? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure.

And don't hesitate to contact us for questions or an adoption proposal.

Sharing this message where you can is also something that we greatly appreciate.

Christian left
December 2023
December 2022
December 2024
December 2024