
March 4, 2022

This is Isaac. A classic SHE cat.

Early March 2022. Message from Koky, founder of Safe Haven Egypt, in the SHE Facebook group. – Her phone is never silent with requests to rescue cats in need.

This time 3 blind young cats. – Requests for donations to save them. That succeeds. – Isaac also has a sponsor, a name now, and a future.

Isaac, right in Haven. March 2022

Isaac is terrified when he arrives in Haven. But he will soon learn that Haven is a safe place.

He received the necessary medical care in addition to food, safety and love. His eyes where beyond saving.

Isaac received vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. Microchip and castration. He uses the litter box. His eyes have been removed and the eye sockets are closed.

Isaac has no known medical problems.

We estimate him to be 3 years old. Isaac is a friendly boy. He tends to meow when he wants food or attention. Isaac is a ground cat. He doesn't want to be picked up and carried around.

Isaac likes to be caressed, also on his stomach. He is good with other cats.

The fact that he is blind should not stop anyone from going for Isaac.

A blind SHE cat like Isaac could quite possibly be the sweetest boy you will ever meet.

Who wants and can give Isaac a home? A safe home. – It seems obvious that Isaac should not be able to wander around freely, but we have to mention it.

Check it out our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.

March 2024
August 2023


Little Honey

Our little red and white blind boy Honey is growing up fast!

In June last year, he was admitted to Safe Haven Egypt (SHE) as a small, half-starved kitten along with his one-eyed sister Mabel. Since then he has developed very well.

His tricolor sister Mabel has already received an adoption offer; now Honey is waiting for his own special family.

Honey is now (almost) 1 year young (estimated; born May 2023) and enjoying his life in the Haven's penthouse apartment with the other lively young kittens. His handicap is absolutely no problem for him during the sometimes wild games. On the contrary, he enjoys the company of his feline friends and is very playful, just like any other young cat.

Honey is not only very social with his cat friends, but also loves people. He likes human attention. He enjoys cuddling, which currently comes right after play.

Honey is suitable for adopters who have no previous experience with disabled pets. This is because only people consider blind cats to be disabled.

Honey now

Adopters receive many tips from our experts – especially as part of the home inspection – on how to deal with blind cats. Of course, potentially dangerous places in the household must be secured.

Honey is ready to fly, which means he has been neutered, received his anti-flea treatment, dewormed, microchipped and fully vaccinated. He can fly to Europe and of course travels with a negative rabies certificate and all necessary documents.

At the end of June 2024 he was tested for FIV/FeLV and was negative.

SHE attaches great importance to the safety of its rescued cats. Therefore, their cats are not allowed to roam freely. This goes without saying for blind cats! Of course, they would be happy with a fully secured balcony or a cat-friendly garden.

Would you like to offer Honey a home? – Then take a look at our oour adoption procedure. – And don't hesitate to contact us.

March 2024
Honey with another cat in June 2023, shortly after arriving in Haven


This is a confirmed cat

Kim on the street.
The message that brought her to attention

A video of an apparently paralyzed cat has been making the rounds on Facebook among those rescuing cats in Cairo.

This young cat was able to find her way to Haven and was named Kim.

Thanks to the good care received, Kim made a full recovery. She no longer has any problems walking and has no medical problems.

Kim is now estimated to be 10 months old. She is very friendly and affectionate.

Like all SHE cats, Kim has received her vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. Anti-worm treatment, anti-flea treatment.

She has been spayed and sterilized. Kim understands and applies the concept of the 'litter box'.

As a resident of Haven, Kim lives with many other cats. And there are also some cat-friendly dogs there. So she can be kept in her adoptive family with other cats and dogs. Kim also gets along well with children.

As an ex-street, it is our greatest wish that this remains the case. Kim must be an indoor cat. There are no safe, quiet streets. Cats are also killed in 'quiet residential areas'.

It is also an option to secure an outdoor area so that a cat cannot escape. That's not easy, but it is possible. Or a cat run, to build a 'catio'.

Who wants to give this beautiful semi-longhaired calico cat a home?

Is that you? – Then check out our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us contact.


This pile of misery is Ollie when he came into Haven

We introduce you to SHE miracle cat Ollie. – What's worse than being born on the street? Being an orphaned kitten on the street.

Amazingly, it could be worse than this. Namely children who throw stones at an orphaned kitten.

– Someone felt sorry, gave this animal food and posted a photo of this 'ugly kitten' on Facebook. – “Can someone help this ugly kitten?”

Someone could. – The ugly kitten came to Haven. This kitten was in terrible shape. It was not expected that this one would make it.

With a new name, Ollie really got a new life. Ollie transformed from a pile of misery into a beautiful, healthy boy who is looking for his own home.

Ollie is a super friendly boy. If there are visitors in Haven, Ollie comes to greet them. He is a visitor favorite.

Ollie ❤️ He is so wonderful and friendly. I really hope he finds a home soon.

Ollie ❤️ He is so wonderful and friendly. I hope he finds a home soon.

Stephanie Ruiz, foreign visitor to Safe Haven Egypt, greeted by Ollie

Ollie has undergone his transformation. By May 2024 he will be 2 years young.

Ollie has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. Deworming treatment and anti-flea treatment. Is chipped. Castrated. Know how to use the litter box.

It's time for Ollie to take a plane to his new life.

That new life must be safe. He must be an indoor cat. Or only be left outside in a garden from which he cannot escape.

Who is ready to take this boy overflowing with affection into their home and make each other happy?

Take a look our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us contact. (Real)

Does a (social) cat not fit into your life at the moment? Maybe you know who? – Sharing is caring!

March 2024
Ollie in the back – March 2024


Jubilee is the penultimate kitten

In January 2023, news reached the street of a litter of four kittens in a pizza box. It was estimated that they were one month young.

A friend of Haven's took them in to care for them. Such small kittens need a lot of personal attention. As soon as there was room at Haven, they were admitted to Haven.

One of those four kittens is this boy, Jubilee.

So he is now one year old.

Jubilee is quite a big boy and is a cuddler. He is very friendly.

He likes to lie on his back and be petted on his belly. We suspect he will become more long-haired as he gets older.

Jubilee would do well in a family with cats, dogs and children. He is not in the habit of jumping on people.

As always with SHE cats, Jubilee is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated against Rabies and general cat diseases. Has had a deworming treatment and anti-flea treatment. – Jubilee is also litter box trained.

Jubilee as an ex-street cat should not be allowed back on the street with its many dangers. Therefore, an adopter must promise that Jubilee must be an indoor cat. Or possibly can only go outside in circumstances where he cannot walk around freely in the area.

Who can give Jubilee a home? – Check out our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.


This is a adopted cat

We sometimes receive reports of the cruelty that people inflict on street cats. Or we receive the consequences. – Fortunately, there are sometimes other events, hopeful situations.

This is such a situation. – A kind man had found a seriously injured cat. And took him to a vet. – Help a little, yes, maybe quite a few people would. But paying the vet for a seriously injured street cat….. – That cat was very lucky in its accident.

After care, it turned out that the kind man could not give the cat a home. And that's why he eventually ended up in Haven.

He was given the name Gaston in memory of the Flemish comedian Gaston Berghmans of the duo Gaston & Leo.

Gaston's street life cost him his right front leg. But otherwise he is unscathed and he is healthy.

He's a cuddle bug. Very affectionate. Gaston can do everything a four-legged cat can do, including jumping.

Gaston is estimated to be approximately one year young. He gets along well with other cats and dogs and would fit well in a family with children.

The concept of 'the litter box' is clear to Gaston and he applies it. He is neutered and has had his basic vaccinations. When he travels he will be chipped and have a negative Rabies certificate.

Gaston has not been in Haven for very long. That is not necessary to be adopted. And certainly not with Gaston, who is already a sweet boy and does not need any further 'training' to become a good SHE cat.

We are looking for a good home for Gaston, just like for all our cats. A safe home. And this means that Gaston must absolutely be an indoor cat.

Who can give our boy a home to live in, a lap to lie in, a litter box to... ?

contact us! – We are happy to help you to see if the dream of placing this handsome boy with you is possible.

Tip: although we would like to explain it to you this way, we suggest that you first: our adoption procedure good to read.


Update 2024-05-30: Sunset has a serious medical problem that was not known when Sunset's promotional messages were posted on Facebook. The text below has been adjusted with that information

In July 2023, a video made the rounds. A blind cat eating bread. – Not an obvious meal for a cat. Hunger lowers pickiness.

When going out to pick up that cat to take it to Haven, there turned out to be two. The bread eater was Danny, Sunset is a suspected sister. They are both safe in Haven now. And they don't eat bread anymore.

As usual, her first sponsor gave her a name and it is Sunset.

Sunset is blind. Her eyes are not functional. These non-functional eyes are currently still present.

The tough life on the street has not cracked her. Sunset is a sweet, friendly and playful cat. Good with dogs and other cats.

We estimate that Sunset is 1.5 years old.

It was recently determined that Sunset has a medical problem with her liver. The liver enzymes are much too high. As a result, the operation to remove her eyes has been postponed.

There is a suspicion that this will be a chronic problem. Sunset currently needs special food and medicine. With the right treatment this can be controlled.

Sunset is currently adoptable. We recommend that anyone who adopts Sunset have her thoroughly examined by their local veterinarian.

Although the cats in Haven receive the best possible care, the options available to veterinarians in Egypt are probably more limited than those in the adopter's country.

If the current diagnosis remains confirmed, special veterinary diet food will have to be purchased for Sunset. No guarantee can be given about Sunset's life expectancy.

But a chronic condition does not necessarily rule out Sunset's ability to live a long life.

In any case, the potential for longevity is higher for Sunset if she were adopted. The necessary special veterinary diet food is extremely difficult to obtain in Egypt. This kind of food is expensive anyway. But because it has to come via 'grey imports', it is much, much more expensive to buy in Egypt. And often simply not for sale.

Obtaining the necessary medication is also difficult in Egypt. And we cannot ignore the financial aspect.

Sunset's best chance would be to find an adopter who is willing to adopt her despite her medical challenges.

Like all SHE cats, she knows where to find her litter box. Has received her vaccinations against rabies and common cat diseases. She has received an anti-worm treatment and an anti-flea treatment. Has been made sterile and has a microchip.

Anyone who would adopt Sunset to keep her until the sunset of her life will receive her including a transport box and her vaccination record.

Please take a look at our adoption procedure so you know how this goes. – And if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.


April 15, 2023, on the way to Haven

Saving stray cats is a kind of war in which hard choices have to be made. Saving all cats by taking them in to Haven is simply not possible. – Sometimes Koky will help cats that she knows about and bring them some food.

For example, Koky brought Maximus and his brother or sister, as street cats, occasionally some food.

When Koky came to visit again, Maximus' siblings where. Koky heard of a cat killed nearby that was probably the missing cat. Koky then decided to take that kitten with him to Haven. – And so Maximus arrived in Haven on April 15, 2023.

October 2023

Maximus' mother was captured, sterilized and released.

Today Maximus must be about 10 months old. He has become a handsome boy.

We suspect that his hair will become a bit longer than it is now, especially in the cooler climate. He is not fully grown yet.

Maximus is a gentle cat. And very loving. He is not a very energetic cat. He likes to leave foolish jumping around to other cats. He has no health problems.

However, he is not shy, he comes asking for attention and gently jumps on the knee instead of clawing at your shoulder like some cats do.

He gets along very well with the other cats in the group he is in now.

He's just perfect!

Maximus has received his vaccinations. Its anti-worm treatment, anti-flea treatment. Is chipped and neutered. – And obtained his certificate 'How to use the litter box' with honors.

Maximus is the only survivor of his litter as an ex-street cat. He has found safety within the walls of Haven and good care from its employees.

That is why we emphasize so strongly that our cats must be indoor cats. Although you can of course go outside in a very well-enclosed garden. We will ask you this during contacts with the prospective adopter. You will promise this in the adoption contract.

But ultimately we have no choice but to hope that the adopter is honest about it. Which unfortunately, despite all our concerns about finding a good candidate, does not always turn out to be the case.

Do you want to give Maximus a safe, loving home? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure.

The availability of Maximus here as an adoptable cat is thanks to the efforts of many people. – Please know that you will certainly not 'disturb' if you have any questions. - Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Does a cat not fit into your life right now? Maybe someone else in your circle? – Sharing is caring!

December 2023
October 2023
October 2023


This is a confirmed cat

Eira with her kittens in the 'pet shop', April 2022

We know street cats. People who dump their pet cats too. But that wasn't Eira. Eira comes from a pet shop.

An Egyptian pet shop. And that is different from what you and I think of when we think of 'pet store'. Eira was a domestic cat with five kittens. Her owner took her to such a pet store.

Koky – the manager of Safe Haven Egypt – received a message about this cat family present in a notoriously terrible pet store. That was because someone asked the owner of the store to put the cats in the shade and give them food and water. The store manager was not motivated to do anything.

We managed to get the cats released. But not in time to save one of the kittens who had died from deprivation.

Eira has now been in Haven for over 1.5 years. We estimate that she is now a 3 year old.

Despite her tough life, Eira is an extremely friendly, affectionate cat. She is also a calm cat.

Eira is good with other cats and also with dogs. She would also fit well in a family with children.

The first sponsor gets to name a new cat and so we learn that Eira is Welsh for 'snow'.

She has received her vaccinations against common cat diseases and Rabies, flea control and deworming treatment. She is chipped and sterilized. And is litter box trained.

Eira is ready to start the next phase in her life and is looking for an adopter. Somewhere where she can find the same safety and well-being as she now has in Haven. And so she must have an indoor cat life or, if she can, go outside in a very safe enclosed garden.

Who can offer Eria this?

You maybe? – Check out our adoption procedure than. And don't hesitate to contact us contact for questions.

Or perhaps you know someone else to whom Eira would fit well and who you can provide this profile to? – Sharing is caring.

Eira, March 2024


Balder is another cat for which there is no documentation of how it ended up in Haven. But in the end they are all pretty similar stories.

Photo posted on March 4, 2022

Let's say Balder was found as an orphaned kitten and brought into Haven.

At the beginning of March 2022, Balder will appear in the SHE Facebook group. The estimate at the time was that he was 3 months old. That puts his estimated date of birth in December 2021. And so he is currently 1 year old with his 2nd birthday approaching.

He already received the description then 'very affectionate and friendly'.

Here we are a year and a half later. Little boys grow up. And this boy is now really ready to leave Haven.

'He virtually came flying into my arms, wanted to be cuddled for ages. He is definitely overdue for his forever home.'


Claudia Bart, visitor to Safe Haven Egypt

Balder was brought to the attention of a foreign visitor to Haven. He demanded attention by pushing for attention. And hugs. Long lasting hugs.

October 9, 2023

Pictures say more than words. See bottom of this message. This is clearly a boy who can give his or her human a lot of love.

Balder has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. Like all SHE cats, he receives a deworming treatment and flea control.

When he leaves he will leave with all his documentation of his medical status. He is neutered and chipped.

And yes, cats also use the litter box in Egypt, like Balder.

There are many cats with disabilities in Safe Haven Egypt. Not so with Balder. He comes with 4 legs, 2 working eyes and 1 tail.

Balder has spent almost his entire life in Haven. In complete safety. It is therefore imperative that Balder will find the same security with his adopter. He must be an indoor cat or go outside in a garden that is adapted so that a cat cannot get out. Or possibly via one cat run.

In Haven, Baller sits with many other cats. There are also a few cat-friendly dogs walking around there. And even some rabbits, chickens and a duck. Haven also receives visits from children sometimes.

Balder would do well in families with other animals and well-behaved children.

Do you think maybe you could give Balder a home? - Awesome!

Then take a look first our adoption procedure. That's always a good start.

If this sounds like something to you or if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you.

Does a cat not fit into your family? – Well, this is not something to do lightly. But perhaps there are people in your area who can offer a cat a home? – Sharing is caring!

March 2024

October 2023
October 2023
October 2023
March 2024