
In januari 2023 zag Kareema een post over een verlamde kat die gedumpt was in het afval met de infuusnaald nog in zijn pootje. Omdat een verlamde kat geen schijn van kans heeft om te overleven op straat liet Kareema hem meteen invangen en naar de dierenarts brengen. Na een behandeling en flink wat TLC kwam de kat uiteindelijk naar de veilige omgeving van ’the haven’. De eerste sponsor gaf deze grote jongen de naar Gordon.

Gordon wordt geschat op ongeveer 4 tot 5 jaar oud, de geschatte geboortedatum ligt rond augustus 2020. Gordon is voor zover bekend een gezonde heer die gelukkig weer rond loopt zonder problemen.

Gordon is een zeer vriendelijke en rustige kat die goed bij kinderen geplaatst zou kunnen worden. Gordon is vriendelijk en rustig naar mensen toe, hij houdt ervan om aangehaald te worden. Ook kan hij goed overweg met de andere katten en kat-vriendelijke honden in ’the haven’.

Zoals alle SHE-katten heeft Gordon zijn vaccinaties ontvangen. Dit tegen algemene kattenziekten en rabies. Hij is ook gechipt en heeft zijn ontwormingskuur en anti-vlooienbehandeling ontvangen. Gordon is gecastreerd en is ook kattenbakgetraind.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Wie kan deze rustige en vriendelijke heer een liefdevol thuis bieden?

Voor meer informatie over de adoptieprocedure, klik op onderstaande link:


In November 2024, Kareema saw a post about a cat that had probably once had a safe home but was now dumped on the street like trash. Because such a cat had never had to fend for itself and was therefore not used to it, she would not survive long on the streets. Kareema quickly had her secured and that is how this cat came to 'the haven'.

The first thing they did in 'the haven' was wash the cat thoroughly because she had become very dirty from her adventure in busy Cairo. She was given the name Kitkat by a sponsor.

Kitkat is very friendly and cuddly towards people, she lets herself be picked up without any problems. Kitkat gets along well with the other cats and cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'.

Kitkat is estimated to be 2 to 3 years old, her estimated date of birth is around 06-2022. Kitkat is vaccinated against cat flu, sneezing disease and rabies, a titer determination is done for the rabies vaccination because this is necessary to be allowed to fly. She is chipped, sterilized, deflead and dewormed. Kitkat is litter box trained. Kitkat can travel to Europe, England, the United States, Canada.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Interested in this pretty and affectionate lady? Send us a message, we are happy to help you.


In May 2023, Kareema went to visit and care for her father's grave, this is an area where almost no one lives. Then she found a cat that was in very bad shape, she immediately took the cat to a vet to have it checked out. The cat was hypothermic, dehydrated and had severe anemia and was treated for this. 

People from that neighborhood told Kareema that suddenly 2 white longhaired cats had appeared in this area, the other one was unfortunately bitten to death by one of the stray dogs that lived there. In all probability these 2 cats were released there together by their previous owner when he no longer wanted them.

After a long time at the vet for medication, drips, vitamins and lots of TLC this kitty was strong enough to move to 'the haven' to get stronger. She was sponsored and named Cookie.

Cookie is estimated to be around 4 years old, estimated date of birth is +/- 01-2021. Like all SHE cats, Cookie has received all her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and sterilized. Cookie has received a deworming treatment and anti-flea treatment. Cookie is also litter box trained.

Cookie is a very social cat, both towards people and the other cats and the cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'. She loves attention and will ask for it, in 'the haven Cookie often lies together with other cats. 

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Cookie has so much love to give, we hope she can pack her suitcase soon and get her own forever home. Interested or have questions? Feel free to send us a message, we are happy to help you.


It was September 2024 when Kareema, the shelter manager, found a carrier next to 'the haven'. When she picked up the carrier she discovered that there was a mother cat inside with her 3 kittens.

Cordelia was dumped next to the shelter simply because she had kittens.

Kareema has of course taken Cordelia and her kittens inside right away, the kittens can look for themselves in the meantime. Cordelia is looking for a nice 'forever home'.

Cordelia is estimated to be born around January 2023. So she is now a 2 year old.

Cordelia has had kittens, she is completely healthy as far as we know. She is spayed. She has received her general vaccinations against cat diseases. She has been dewormed and has had anti-flea treatment.

She knows how to use the litter box.

Cordelia is good with people, she loves to get attention. Cordelia gets along well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

The SHE cats have found safety Haven. And it should stay that way. Therefore, a candidate adopter must be able to offer Cordelia a safe home. She must be an indoor cat. Or only come outside under very safe, controlled conditions.

Who can offer this beauty a home? – For better or worse, till death do you part? Even if that would be difficult due to changing circumstances?

If you think…maybe…yes…then check this out the adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us!


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Barbossa was surrendered to the Haven by his owners a few weeks ago.

The owners no longer wanted him because he had gone blind in one eye and were going to dump him on the streets if Kareema didn't take him into the Haven.

Kareema couldn't let this happen of course. She quickly took Barbossa inside because Barbossa doesn't stand a chance on the busy streets of Cairo because he has always lived indoors.

The eye that he is blind in will soon be removed, so he is now a one-eyed cat.

Barbossa is estimated to be 3 years old (date of birth +/- 12-2021). He is a friendly boy, is calm, loves to be petted. But he will not impose himself and ask for attention.

Not yet a lap cat but there is certainly room for improvement. Basbossa is good with other cats and cat friendly dogs.

Like all SHE cats, he has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases and against rabies. He has had a deworming and anti-flea treatment. He is chipped and neutered. Barbossa is litter-box trained.

Barbossa is not an ex-street cat. He is an ex-house cat. He is looking for a home where he will be appreciated more than his previous owners.

Who will promise not to cast Barbossa out again? Is that you? – Check out our adoption procedure. And please don't hesitate to contact us for questions.

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Our boy Batata from Safe Haven Egypt (SHE) in Cairo has not had much luck in his young life so far and is now hoping for a New Year's miracle to find his forever home!

This young cat has already experienced more loss than most.

After his owner passed away, the grieving Batata was abandoned by his family and left to fend for himself on the dangerous streets of Cairo. For an indoor cat, it was a terrifying ordeal: deafening traffic, hostile street cats, hungry stray dogs, and no idea how to find food or shelter.

Luckily, Koky, the founder of SHE, rescued him and placed him in a foster home where he could recover. Unfortunately, his foster mother had to leave the country after only three months. So today (as of December 26, 2024) he was brought to the Haven, where he now has to deal with the shelter situation.

Batata is about 2 years old and has no known health problems.

During his stay at the shelter he was fully prepared for adoption: dewormed, flea treated, chipped, vaccinated and castrated.

He is already eligible to travel to Canada and the US and from February he will also be ready to join families in the EU, Switzerland or the UK after completing the required waiting period.

Batata is not only incredibly affectionate, but also beautiful! His luxurious long coat is a mix of soft white and silver-grey with a striking symmetrical tabby pattern. His large amber eyes are enchanting and full of warmth.

Batata is very attached to people, loving and very cuddly. The coming days and weeks will show how well he gets along with the other cats and the two dogs in the shelter. Today, on his first day in the Haven, he clearly feels safer on elevated places.

One thing is clear though: he loves human touch and attention.

Batata is an indoor cat, but he would probably enjoy a secure balcony or an enclosed outdoor space once he gets used to it. More importantly, he needs to find a family that gives him love and stability, where he can finally feel safe and cherished… for life.

If you are willing to provide Batata with a lifetime of care, love and safety, then we would like to hear from you!

And also see our adoption procedure.


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

In late June 2023, Koky, the founder of SHE, found a dirty, long-haired white cat in a supermarket parking lot.

It was clear that this was an abandoned house cat that would not survive long on the streets. Koky took him home immediately. At that time our British caretaker Deborah was visiting. In order to keep him separated from Koky's own cats, Tofu spent the night in Deborah's guest room (see last photo).

Despite being in an unfamiliar place with a stranger, he showed no signs of stress and was very friendly. Deborah decided to call him 'Tofu'.

Apart from being dirty and having matted fur, Tofu was otherwise unharmed. So Koky and Deborah took him straight to Haven the next day. There he was treated for fleas, dewormed, vaccinated and neutered. He also went through a 3 week quarantine period before being allowed to join the other cats in the garden apartment.

Tofu is now between 3 and 4 years old (as of October 2024) and in perfect health. His long, silky coat has become a bright white again, beautifully complemented by his striking amber eyes.

He is a gentle and relaxed cat. He does not seem to be at all impressed by the large group of cats in the garden apartment, where the two shelter dogs also roam freely.

What really makes Tofu special is his loving nature!

He loves to be cuddled and pampered by everyone. Although he can be encouraged to play, he enjoys all the affection he can get the most. Unfortunately, in a large shelter like ours, there is not enough time for the individual attention that cats like Tofu need. He also needs regular grooming to keep his lush coat in top condition and his healthy skin.

Who wants to share their couch with this dream cat and give Tofu a loving and caring home that will last a lifetime?

Tofu is perfectly happy being an indoor cat and is not allowed to roam freely outdoors. Of course, this does not mean he would not like access to a screened balcony, catio or escape-proof garden.

Tofu is ready to fly to the EU, UK, Canada or the US. In some cases adoption to Switzerland is also possible. He will travel with his vaccination booklet and a rabies titer certificate from an accredited German lab.

If you are interested, then view our adoption procedure. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.