
It was October 2024 when Kareema saw a message about an old blind cat that was wandering the streets of Cairo. It looked like he had been hit by a car. Because blind cats have no chance of survival on the streets alone, she immediately went to rescue him from the streets. He was blind, missing a piece of his tail and his jaw was broken. He was helped with this. Not much later, this senior came to 'the haven' and was given the name Mickey. 

Mickey on the street

Mickey has not had an easy life, and he has the body to show it. The poor guy is blind and has lost part of his tail. It is truly a miracle that he has lived so long on the streets of Cairo. Mickey is estimated to be about 9 years old. 

Despite his hard life, Mickey is a very calm and loving boy. He really likes to be cuddled and purrs loudly when he gets some attention and petting. He is very relaxed. Mickey is also very friendly to other cats and the cat-friendly dog. 

Like all SHE cats, Mickey has received his vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. He is also chipped and has received his deworming and anti-flea treatment. Mickey is neutered and is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. Because Mickey is blind, it is extra important that he cannot go outside. A very well-sealed outdoor area or cat run is of course also good.

Mickey had previously been adopted, but unfortunately Mickey's adoption did not go through.

We hope someone is interested in giving this sweet, relaxed old guy a loving home, he deserves it so much!

Are you that person? Then take a look the adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us for questions.

Sir Vanderbilt

It was December 2024 when Kareema saw a post about a nearly blind young cat on the busy streets of Cairo. As always, she didn’t hesitate and brought him to safety as soon as possible. As we all know, blind cats don’t stand a chance when they’re alone on the streets.

The cat was taken to 'the haven' and was named Sir Vanderbilt. It is estimated that Sir Vanderbilt is about 1 year old, his date of birth is around January 2024.

Sir Vanderbilt is missing his right eye, according to the vet he can still see shadows with his left eye. Fortunately this does not bother him at all. 

Sir Vanderbilt is a very gentle and friendly cat to all cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'. Sir Vanderbilt is also a real cuddler to people, he loves to be petted.

Like all SHE cats, he has received his vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. He is also microchipped and sterilized. Has received his deworming and anti-flea treatment. Sir Vanderbilt is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. With Sir Vanderbilt this is extra important because he is almost blind and cannot see any dangers on the street. A very well-sealed outdoor area or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this young cuddly guy a safe home?


April 2024

Beautiful blind girl Ruby!

It was April 2024 when Kareema Ibraheem saw a post about a blind young cat on a busy street in Cairo. She didn’t hesitate for a second and brought her to safety as soon as possible.

As we all know, blind cats don't stand a chance if they are alone on the streets.

Ruby came to the harbor in May 2024 and is estimated to be just over a year old. Estimated to be born in December 2023.

She is a very gentle and friendly cat to all cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'.

When it comes to people she is still a bit shy, but with lots of time and love in a loving home of her own she can learn to trust people more and open up.

Like all SHE cats, she has received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and sterilized. Has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment.
Ruby is also litter box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. With Ruby this is extra important because she is blind and cannot see dangers on the street. A very well-sealed outdoor area or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this young, quiet girl a safe home?

Do you think that's you? View our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.

December 2024


Name: Cory

Age: About 5 years old.

Gender: Male, neutered. 

Behavior/character: Cory is a calm cat, friendly towards all other cats and cat-friendly dogs. 

Medication/health: Cory is completely blind and has a crooked position of his head, which he holds slightly to the right. He does not experience any discomfort from this, he manages fine in 'the haven'. Cory has no other known health problems.

Social with people: Cory is shy towards people and does not allow himself to be petted, he is a so-called 'no touch cat'.

Social with other cats and dogs: Cory is very social with other cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'. 

How the cat ended up in the haven: Cory is one of the many blind kittens that Kareema has rescued from the busy streets of Cairo. And that's a good thing because blind kittens don't stand a chance of surviving on the streets.


Chucky blind on the street in need.

It was October 2021 when Kareema, the owner of Safe Haven Egypt, saw a post of a blind young cat walking on a busy road in Cairo. Kareema rescued him from the streets not long after.

Chucky has been a resident of 'the haven' for over 3 years and he would like to know what it is like to have his own loving home.

He is now estimated to be 3.5 years old and was born around April 2021.

In December 2024, his sponsor went to visit Haven in Egypt. This information also comes from the personal visit to Chucky by his sponsor.

Chucky is a very calm tomcat. If your Chucky is suddenly touched, he can sometimes get scared and then scratch once. For this reason, Chucky is better not placed in a busy family with children.

Other than being blind, there are no other known health issues. It is possible to have a FIV/FeLV test performed.

Chucky is social with cats and cat-friendly dogs.

Like all SHE cats, Chucky has been vaccinated against common cat diseases and has been given flea and worm treatments. He is chipped and castrated. And litter box trained.

Chucky was found blind on the street. Much effort has been made to give him safety and health in Haven. He must also find that safety in his new home.

Who can give him that, a safe home? In a rather quiet house? View our adoption procedure if this sounds like something for you. Don't be put off by the fact that Chucky is blind. That's okay. Blind cats are very self-reliant.

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Blinde Chucky


Age: 10 years or older.

Gender: Male castrated.

Behavior/character: Fuzzy is a calm and friendly tomcat. 

Not a lap cat, but I think he'll be more approachable in a quieter environment.

Medication/health: Fuzzy is estimated to be 10 years or older, he was found blind on the street. As far as known, there are no other problems with his health.

Social with people: Fuzzy really likes to be cuddled, so you can hear him purring loudly.

Fuzzy has been tested for FIV/FeLV in January 2025 and is FIV positive. He is now in the latent phase. Without any symptoms. How long that will last is impossible to say. When in the progressive phase, these cats can often still have a long and good life with treatment.

Social with other cats and dogs: Fuzzy is social towards cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How did the cat end up in the haven: Kareema first saw a post about Fuzzy's brother, also blind and 10 years or older and alone on the street. They immediately took him off the street. About a month later, the same reporter saw Fuzzy, also blind and completely alone, walking and contacted Kareema. Kareema then immediately went to rescue him from the street. How these two guys of 10+ years were able to survive on the busy streets of Cairo, no idea. It is suspected that these two elderly gentlemen first had an owner together and that this owner may have passed away. It could well be that the family of their owner just threw the two of them out on the street. Fuzzy's brother died not long after he came to 'the haven' from the effects of diabetes.


❗ This is a withdrawn cat. This cat is no longer available for adoption. ❗

Dotty on the street

Dotty was found blind and in very poor condition on the street in the summer of 2022 by people who posted about it on Facebook.

When Kareema, the owner of Haven, saw this message, she immediately went to catch Dotty. Dotty spent a few months in a foster home to get stronger and better. Dotty has been in Haven since the end of October 2022.

Dotty is estimated to have been born in the spring of 2022. So she is a little younger than 3 years old (January 2025).

Dotty is a cheerful affectionate cat, loves cuddles, loves human attention. Will not push but once you start cuddling you will not lose her.

So Dotty is blind, which is nothing that should stop an adopter. Blind cats are very self-reliant. That is really not a problem. For the rest, there are no known special health conditions. An optional FIV/FeLV test is available.

Dotty is social with other cats and cat-friendly dogs. Like all SHE cats, Dotty has received her basic vaccination against common cat diseases and rabies. She has been dewormed and has undergone an anti-flea treatment. Dotty is sterilized and chipped.

Even blind cats know where to find the litter box.

Who can and wants to give this cutie a home? Cuddle her and pamper her. – When she snuggles up next to you and you actually want to get up but you still stay there as long as possible so as not to disturb her?

Then take a look at our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Sharing this post is caring!

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024


❗ This is a withdrawn cat. This cat is no longer available for adoption. ❗

Flossie on the street, November 2021

Not all the tomcats and queens in Haven are ex-street cats. But almost all are. Like Flossie.

With the oh so familiar story; blind cat in need on the street noticed by a good soul who took pity on this poor creature. And asked for help on Facebook. And Koky, the owner of Haven, who made sure the cat could find its way to Haven. – This was in November 2021.

Meanwhile, Flossie has found safety in Haven. But Haven is a transit home, not a destination. Flossie is looking for a home.

Flossie is a handsome boy. He is also skittish. Although he does get along well with other cats ... there are really a lot of cats in Haven. We suspect that a quieter environment with less stimuli would be good for Flossie.

Flossie's adopter takes in a blind tomcat who is looking for safety and stability. Flossie must learn that he can trust his human. That he should not be afraid.

December 2024

Flossie is not a 'shy cat'. Not a 'no touch cat'. Touching is not really the problem. That is currently possible to a limited extent, see the video at the bottom of this message. Flossie is a scared cat.

What Flossie needs more than anything is patience and attention from his human. But at the same time not impose themself. When Flossie is ready for affection, he will approach you himself. This is not a cat to pick up and put on your lap and start petting him.

A busy family with small children and possibly busy dogs does not seem like a good idea to us with Flossie.

Mind you, this is not to say that Flossie cannot blossom and become a very social cat who walks around his domain with confidence.

We estimate Flossie was born around August 2021. Which makes him about 3.5 years old now.

As you can see, the remains of his eyes have been surgically removed and closed. He has received his basic vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. A deworming treatment and anti-flea treatment.

Flossie is also chipped and neutered. Blind cats can adapt well. Finding the litter box is no problem.

A fairly obvious condition of a good adoption is that Flossie must be safe. He comes from the streets and almost died there. Flossie must be an indoor cat or only come outside in a very safe controlled environment. - As he is used to in Haven with his courtyard and completely closed terraces.

Flossie is not a ready-made lap cat. He is also not a non-touch cat. He is a soul who has had a hard time which has not done his self-confidence any good but with the right person he can become a best friend.

Are you Flossie's person? – Then check out our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024


This is an reserved cat. This one is no longer available for adoption at this time.

Sefu on arrival at Port

Introducing Sefu, one of Haven's many blind cats.

Sefu is estimated to have been born around June 2024.

Koky, the owner of Haven, describes him as 'a very sweet one'. – A very sweet one.

He is very affectionate, very friendly. And he can be picked up.

Sefu is functionally blind. He still has his eyes but he can probably only see shadows.

December 2024

Like all SHE cats, Sefu has received his basic vaccination against common cat diseases and rabies. Anti-worm treatment and flea control.

He is chipped and neutered. And litter box trained.

Sefu can only be adopted if he will end up in a safe environment. He must be an indoor cat. Or be able to go outside in controlled safe circumstances.

The aspect of his blindness is not something a prospective adopter should be concerned about. Blind cats are very self-reliant.

Who can offer this sweet boy a home? If you recognize yourself in this, please send the text over read the adoption procedure. And if you have any questions please don't hesitate to to ask those questions.

Although Sefu is unique a 'cat for adoption' is not. – Sharing this profile would be greatly appreciated. Buttons for that are at the bottom of this post.

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
Old photo, upon arrival at the harbour


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Karlson on the street. End of November 2023

The well-known story with Karlson; blind very young cat in dire need on the street. Someone noticed that and took it upon themselves to ask for help.

Word of this reached Koky, the owner of Haven, and Koky went to pick up the cat. This was at the end of November 2023 when Karlson won his life, safety and a name.

Karlson has been in Haven for over a year now, among all the other rescued ex-street cats, waiting for a home of his own.

He is a friendly boy. A little shy at first when he doesn't know you. It doesn't take long to gain his trust. – He loves cuddles.

He has one eye left. We suspect that he can still see a tiny bit with it. Probably not much more than light and dark, maybe shadows.

Karlson is a ground cat, which is not unusual for a blind cat to be afraid when they lose contact with the ground.

December 2024

There is nothing wrong with that. A cat is not a toy and the cat has a say in when it is a good time for personal attention. He will come by himself.

We estimate Karlson was born around June 2023. That makes him a year and a half now. He is now ready to be adopted.

As welcome as he is in Haven Karlson must leave to make way for a few of the thousands of 'Karlson's' still on the streets in need.

Like all SHE cats, he has received his basic vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. He is chipped and castrated. He received anti-worm treatment and flea control. And blind boys also find the litter box.

By the way, one should not worry about being 'blind'. Only people worry about that. Blind cats manage exceptionally well.

Karlson was tested for FIV/FeLV in January 2025 and is FIV positive. He is now in the latent phase. Without any symptoms. How long that will last is impossible to say. When in the progressive phase, these cats can often still have a long and good life with treatment.

At Safe Haven Egypt we place great emphasis on the safety of our cats. They found it at Haven and it absolutely must remain that way. One would think that 'being blind' would be enough of an argument that Karlson should be an indoor cat or can only go outside in a safe enclosed space. - But experience shows that this cannot be repeated enough. Also when it comes to blind cats.

So; walking around freely in 'the safe, quiet residential area with very little traffic' is not allowed. No discussion possible.

Who's ready to give a sweet blind ground cat a floor of his own? Is that you? – Then read carefully the adoption procedure. And please don't hesitate to contact us.

Karlson not fitting into your life right now? Maybe you know who is? – Sharing is caring! (share buttons at the bottom of this post)

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024