Kris Kringle

This is a adopted cat

This young man has already lost his home twice.

The handsome longhair was first admitted to Safe Haven Egypt (SHE) in November last year after being left at the gate of the Haven. Without a doubt, he was a domestic cat and was cared for before his family decided they didn't want him anymore.

This young man had a lucky accident by being admitted to the Haven. He was sponsored by supporters and given the name Kris Kringle because of the Christmas season. He is neutered, chipped and fully vaccinated.

At the end of December, SHE found a new home for Kris Kringle on site in Cairo. Unfortunately, this time his luck did not last long, because his owner developed an allergy and returned him to the Haven in January of this year.

So Kris Kringle is looking for a new home and a new family again! Hopefully he finds his forever home this time!

He is about 3 years old and gets along well with other cats. Kris Kringle is a cuddly cat. He is friendly, easy going.

He is also a calm cat. Which makes it also suitable for older people.

Who can give Kris Kringle his deserved "furrrever home"?

He can fly to Belgium or the Netherlands. Of course he travels with a negative rabies certificate and all necessary documents.

Under no circumstances should Kris Kringle be allowed to run loose, even in a quiet residential area. We want him to have a long, happy and safe life ahead of him.

He should be kept as an indoor cat, but a catio is fine or going outside in a completely cat-proof garden (with special fencing) would be welcome. Some of our adopters who don't have a cat-safe outdoor space have successfully trained their cats to walk with a cat harness, so that's also an option.

If you are interested in our cats, you can find more information about the procedure here.

Do not hesitate to contact us for questions or an adoption application.


This is a adopted cat

March 2022. โ€“ A woman finds a large plastic box next to her house. It's cold. It is wet. โ€“ What could be in it?

A cat and her four scared kittens. They end up in her neighbor's bathroom and the discovery goes around on Facebook. โ€“ The cat family can go to Haven.

The kittens have been placed. Mom is still in Haven. โ€“Ruth.

Ruth is a friendly, affectionate cat. She is estimated to be 3 years old.

Ruth should be kept alone or with one other cat. Not with many, as she now has to live in Haven. She gets along with dogs.

Like all Haven cats, Ruth is chipped, sterilized and has had her basic vaccinations. And also an anti-worm cure and anti-flea treatment. Ruth is litter box trained.

All cats from Safe Haven Egypt enjoyed safety in Haven. Therefore
the cats must be indoor cats. They should not be allowed to be free
walk around. They can grow in a catio or a very well-enclosed garden
come outside.

All cats travel with a negative Rabies labarotium certificate and
a sturdy cat box and all documentation of the cat.

Who gives Ruth a lap to lie in?

Please view our adoption procedure Please. And don't hesitate to contact us contact if there are any questions.


This is a adopted cat

Teddy is a 2-year-old female cat found in a remote location in Cairo. She was noticed and picked up by Koky, the manager of Safe Haven Egypt. She had been dumped on the street 10 days earlier, a local fruit seller said. He had fed the cat out of pity.

Teddy has a friendly character and appears to enjoy company, although she does not tend to jump on people. She would rather sit next to you.

Like all cats at Safe Haven Egypt, Teddy is fully vaccinated against common cat diseases and rabies. She is microchipped, dewormed, flea treated and sterilized. She is also litter box trained.

It is important to note that all Safe Haven Egypt cats must remain indoors for their safety. They are not allowed to roam freely, although they can go outside in a catio or a very well-enclosed garden.

Teddy is good with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

When adopted, Teddy travels with a negative rabies laboratory certificate, a sturdy cat box and all her documentation.

Teddy has been through a lot in her young life, but her friendly and calm character remains unaffected. She is patiently waiting for a loving home where she can enjoy the company of her people. Are you considering giving Teddy a place in your home and heart?

Yes? Maybe? โ€“ Check out our adoption procedure . And don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.


This is a adopted cat

Meet Tiki, a special resident of Safe Haven Egypt. This handsome young man, about a year old, is enjoying his life in Haven despite the challenges he has faced.

Before arriving at Haven, he dragged himself through the streets of Cairo.

That's because Tiki's has a poorly healed fracture in his left hind leg. But this brave boy won't let himself be stopped. Even though he can't walk on his hind legs, he doesn't let that stop him from moving around.

Tiki is a social cat, he gets along well with other cats and dogs. He even has the ability to climb stairs and can take himself to high places despite his physical challenge.

Tiki's determination is also reflected in his ability to use the litter box independently. He balances on his right hind leg and has not had any 'accidents' so far.

Although Tiki is a bit shy, he is far from wild. It may take some time to gain his trust, but with patience he will definitely come out of his shell. He is not a lap cat, but he does enjoy the simple things in life, like lying in the sun and enjoying his favorite meal, chicken.

Tiki is fully vaccinated against common cat diseases and rabies. He has also been microchipped, has undergone deworming and has been treated against fleas. Like all cats at Safe Haven Egypt, Tiki is litter box trained and neutered.

At Safe Haven Egypt we ensure that all our cats are safe. Therefore, they must live as indoor cats, although they are allowed in a catio or a very well-enclosed garden.

Tiki is ready for its own home. He travels with a negative Rabies laboratory certificate, a sturdy cat box and all his documentation.

Are you interested in adopting Tiki? Then read our adoption procedure and please contact us if you have any questions. โ€“ Tiki is waiting for you.


This is a adopted cat

We sometimes receive reports of the cruelty that people inflict on street cats. Or we receive the consequences. โ€“ Fortunately, there are sometimes other events, hopeful situations.

This is such a situation. โ€“ A kind man had found a seriously injured cat. And took him to a vet. โ€“ Help a little, yes, maybe quite a few people would. But paying the vet for a seriously injured street catโ€ฆ.. โ€“ That cat was very lucky in its accident.

After care, it turned out that the kind man could not give the cat a home. And that's why he eventually ended up in Haven.

He was given the name Gaston in memory of the Flemish comedian Gaston Berghmans of the duo Gaston & Leo.

Gaston's street life cost him his right front leg. But otherwise he is unscathed and he is healthy.

He's a cuddle bug. Very affectionate. Gaston can do everything a four-legged cat can do, including jumping.

Gaston is estimated to be approximately one year young. He gets along well with other cats and dogs and would fit well in a family with children.

The concept of 'the litter box' is clear to Gaston and he applies it. He is neutered and has had his basic vaccinations. When he travels he will be chipped and have a negative Rabies certificate.

Gaston has not been in Haven for very long. That is not necessary to be adopted. And certainly not with Gaston, who is already a sweet boy and does not need any further 'training' to become a good SHE cat.

We are looking for a good home for Gaston, just like for all our cats. A safe home. And this means that Gaston must absolutely be an indoor cat.

Who can give our boy a home to live in, a lap to lie in, a litter box to... ?

contact us! โ€“ We are happy to help you to see if the dream of placing this handsome boy with you is possible.

Tip: although we would like to explain it to you this way, we suggest that you first: our adoption procedure good to read.


This is a adopted cat

September 2022

A common influx route of cats in Haven is that when Koky, the manager of Haven, is on her way, she notices a cat on a bridge or in a tunnel that is in a particularly dangerous situation.

Koky then has the tendency to want to catch that cat and bring it back to Haven. Koky was on her way home at the end of September 2022. She saw a cat walking on a busy bridge.

Autumn in December 2023

Koky stopped and walked towards the cat and called the cat. Koky feared that she might run away. But no. Suddenly the cat clung to Koky and laid itself on her neck and gave 'kisses'.

Our Egyptian beauty has been in Haven for over a year now. Long enough to see if we can find her a place with cat-friendly people.

We estimate Autumn to be 1.5 years old. So her 'autumn' is still far away.

Autumn is a very friendly girl, she loves to cuddle. She walks behind people to ask for attention. She is good with cats and cat-friendly dogs.

After a year of rest in Haven, Autumn can now begin her journey to her adopter. โ€“ Who will that be?

Whoever it is, it will have to be someone who can offer Autumn a safe home. She must be an indoor cat or have access to a fully enclosed outdoor area. Walking freely on the streets should not be in Autumn's life.

The lucky person who can welcome Autumn into his or her life will receive a vaccinated and sterilized Egyptian Mau. She is litter box trained. Is chipped. Has undergone deworming treatments and flea treatment.

We advise anyone thinking of taking this beautiful home into our home adoption procedure to read.

Do you have any questions or would you like to take the step to adopt Autumn? โ€“ Then contact us. โ€“ We will contact you as soon as possible.


This is a adopted cat

Orlaith in July 2021

Safe Haven Egypt not only receives requests from people who want to adopt a cat. But also from people who want to place a cat in Haven.

This could be their own pet cat(s) that they can no longer care for for whatever reason.

Or people who have taken in a street cat in need and are now looking for a solution.

For example, Koky, the manager of Haven, brought two small kittens to Haven on July 5, 2021. Koky had gone to pick it up from a woman who had recently found it on the street and had taken care of it (well) for a while.

The sisters were given the names Orlaith and Aoife. According to the first sponsor & namesake of Orlaith, the name means 'Golden Princess'.

This profile is about Orlaith, but know that her sister Aoife is also still waiting for adoption in Haven. A double adoption is therefore possible.

Orlaith has essentially spent her entire life in Haven. She must be about 2.5 years old now. โ€“ We are now looking for a good home for her.

Orlaith is a friendly cat. Very affectionate. She's not the kind of cat that's going to jump on your neck. But a cat that will walk behind you and ask to be touched. And will also sit next to you.

December 2023

Our lady is good with other cats and with cat-friendly dogs and children. She has had all her vaccinations against common cat diseases. Has been dewormed and deflead. โ€“ Has a microchip so that her new owner can register her immediately. Orlaith is litter box trained. Sterilized. โ€“ She is just a perfect adoptable cat.

If there is a candidate adopter for Orlaith, it will not be her fault that we have to wait. โ€“ She's ready to go.

Upon departure she will come with a negative rabies laboratory certificate. And her vaccination record.

Orlaith spent her entire young life in Haven (see atmospheric images of the harbour) in complete safety. โ€“ Adoption should not be a regression in that area. She must be an indoor cat or only be allowed outside in safe conditions. She should not be a cat that is allowed to explore the residential area freely. Cats are also killed on quiet streets.

Who wants to enrich his or her life with a real, genuine โ€œSHE-catยฎโ€? Or maybe even two? (sister Aoife?)

If you are considering this, take a look our adoption procedure. โ€“ If you have any further questions or applications, please do not hesitate to contact us. โ€“ We are happy to help you.

Does a house tiger not fit into your life right now? Maybe you know someone who would be the perfect adopter for Orlaith? โ€“ Sharing this profile is kind!


February 2023, on the street, broken

In February 2023 something that often happens happened; a cat was hit by a vehicle. โ€“ The cat was seriously injured.

At least a broken jaw and a terrible eye injury. The photo with this text comes from a video. Be glad you don't see the video.

This cat became Jonsey and she found her way to Haven. And so is a path to life.

As you can see from the photos, she survived well thanks to good medical care. The 'price' Jonsey had to pay was an eye.

Jonsey is not only a beautiful cat but also a very friendly cat. She does well with other cats and also dogs. She even has experience with chickens.

She has received her vaccinations for the common cat diseases and Rabies. Flea treatment and anti-worm treatment.

Joney is microchipped and sterilized. And she doesn't need instructions for the litter box.

She is ready to leave for a new home. Since she is now about 3 years old, now is the time.

During her stay in Haven, Jonsey was able to recover from her past in the safe environment of Haven. That is why her new home must absolutely be safe. She can only go outside in a garden from which she cannot escape. Or a catio.

When she travels to her adopter, it will be with the legally required negative Rabies certificate and her vaccination campaign booklet.

Can you give Joney a safe and loving home? โ€“ Are you thinking 'yes, maybe..?'

Then take a look at our adoption procedure. โ€“ If you think there is potential here โ€“ or you just have questions โ€“ Please ask.

If Jonsey isn't the cat for you then maybe he is for someone in your circle. Sharing options are at the bottom of this post. โ€“ Sharing is caring.


This is a adopted cat

Safe Haven Egypt has a community from all over the world. And you see this in the names that sponsors give to their sponsor cats.

Seigen. โ€“ According to the sponsor, that was a famous blind warrior. And according to Wikipedia too. A Japanese warrior even from the 16th century.

Our Seigen does not have many similarities with the historical Seigen other than his blindness.

Our Seigen is a very, very sweet cat. Very affectionate. Also a lap cat. โ€“ When a prospective adopter asked for some very sweet cats, Seigen was one of the cats that Koky, the manager of Safe Haven Egypt, suggested.

Seigen is an ex-alley cat. A private individual rescued him where he stayed for quite some time. He has lived in Haven since May 2023. He was already an adult then. We suspect he is about 2 years old now.

Like all big boys, a blind Seigen goes to the litter box. The fact that he is blind should not worry a potential adopter. Blind cats know their way around perfectly, after some practice. That's really, really, no problem.

Seigen is ready to go. He has had his vaccinations. Is chipped, neutered. His eyes have been surgically removed and the eye sockets closed.

He will travel with a negative Rabies certificate and all his papers. There is even a very sturdy cat box included in the adoption fee.

Yes, there is. โ€“ There is ยฃ195 to pay, today โ‚ฌ224. โ€“ See our adoption procedure for more on this.

Our boy has found safety in Haven. It must remain that way in his future adoptive family. He must be an indoor cat. Or may only be left outside in a very, very solid and professionally enclosed garden. A catio could also be an idea.

Some people take their cats for walks in a harness. Whatever it is; we don't want our Seigen to end up back on the streets. - You think; 'Who's going to let a blind cat loose on the street?'. โ€“ This has already happened.

Who can offer our Seigen a good loving home, for mutual benefit? โ€“ If you are please do not hesitate to contact us. -A sweet blind SHE cat; there is nothing better.


This is a adopted cat


They also have Oreo in Egypt. It's an Oreo that's over 3 years old. But not yet expired. It is now time for Oreo to leave Egypt.

Oreo was adopted as a kitten in June or July 2020.

Summer 2020

A question people often ask is; 'How did the cat lose its eyes?'. โ€“ We don't know that and at the same time we do.

Stray cats live to survive. They get sick. They get infected. And so often also the eyes. Without the right care, things won't just get better.

When Oreo arrived in Haven, his eyes could no longer be saved.

Removing them is not always necessary for cats in his condition. But at Oreo. In early December 2020, Oreo's useless eyes were taken away. This is to prevent future infections. The ยฃ40 cost โ€“ like all other costs โ€“ was met by the generous donations of the SHE community.

December 2020, just after his eye surgery

The operation was a success. Oreo has no problems with his eye sockets and is in good health.

He has been neutered and has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases. โ€“ He has been tested for FIV/FeLV and is negative. Has had the deworming and flea control treatment. โ€“ He may be blind, but he knows how to find the litter box.

Recently a prospective adopter asked about a very affectionate cat. A cat that could be a 'buddy'. Koky, the manager of Haven, provided the candidate with a number of candidates.

Oreo is a 'leftover' from that selection. That's a great opportunity for those lucky enough to adopt Oreo. Of the 250 cats at Haven, Oreo was among the few cats that Koky associated with 'affectionate'.

Look what a beautiful chin I have!

Koky described Oreo as 'He's such a friendly boy'.

Oreo, is a very sweet boy who is now almost 3.5 years old. Now he really has to find his adoptive home.

That he is blind is real, but real, no objection. Cats can adapt extremely well to their new reality. I โ€“ Walter โ€“ the writer of this text, have two blind SHE cats myself. The blindness is really nothing to worry about.

And so we are here. โ€“ And here is the question โ€“ dear reader โ€“ whether you could perhaps give Oreo a home. And could make each other happy.

Since the foregoing was not technically a question; 'Does Oreo seem like a possible 'buddy' for you?

Awesome! โ€“ We are not there yet, but it is a first step. Then take a look our adoption procedure. And if it is still a 'maybe' or if there are any questions please contact us. We are happy to assist you with any kind of pleasure.

If you can't give Oreo a home now, maybe you know someone else? Or would you be so good as to share this profile?

February 2021
July 2023
July 2023
July 2023