
Our girl Nicky's story started on the streets, like most Haven cats. The life of a street cat is full of dangers. In her case, the crucial danger was a collision with a motorcycle.

Her back legs were broken and she also suffered paralysis in her rear end.

There was a woman who would sometimes give Nicky something to eat. She noticed the condition Nicky was in and contacted Haven to ask if they could help. – And they could.

Nicky has now had months to regain her strength. And recover. She has lost her left hind leg. Her paralysis has not improved. But it could have been worse.

Nicky is fortunately mobile. See the video below. She can use her right hind leg to stand up. This allows Nicky to use the litter box. So she is independent.

Nicky has now received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and Rabies. Has had anti-flea treatment and deworming treatment. And is also chipped and sterilized.

So now she has become a three-legged girl who has to rely on her front legs to get around.

Socially Nicky is a bit shy at first. But after a while when she knows you and knows you can be trusted she is friendly and you can touch her.

She is good with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

It seems obvious but we have to mention it; She must never be in danger again. Her adopter must be able to guarantee her a safe home.

If you would like to investigate whether adopting Nicky is an option, please take a look at our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.


The young cat was found in a cardboard box on the street with her kittens. It is unclear whether they were dumped in the box or whether the cat chose it as a place to give birth. However, it is very clear that she is an abandoned house cat, because she is extremely trusting.

A kind person picked up the mother and her kittens and brought them to the Haven. Unfortunately, none of the babies made it.

The mother cat survived, but lost an eye due to a severe infection. The infection was treated and she was also de-fleaed, de-wormed, vaccinated, sterilized and chipped.

It is anticipated that Beauty will undergo surgery to close the eye socket to prevent the risk of a possible future infection.

In the SHE community there is a tradition: the first sponsor of a newcomer gets to choose a name. This sponsor gave her the name “Beauty”!

Beauty is now about a year and a half old and much more than a beauty!

What makes this fluffy tuxedo cat a dream cat is her personality. Koky, the founder of SHE, describes her as “super, super, super friendly”.

When you look at the pictures, you can see Beauty's affection for people in the look of her one eye! Beauty is good with everyone, … with respectful children, with cat-friendly dogs and with her own kind.

Who wants to give our cute pirate girl a loving forever home?

Beauty can travel to the EU, the UK, Canada and the US. Under certain conditions, she can also be placed in Switzerland. She has her vaccination booklet and an official rabies titer certificate with her.

Also read the information about our adoption procedureIf you have any questions don't hesitate to ask this.

Aila and Ava

On June 10, 2024, Koky, the founder of Haven, saw a couple drop off two animal boxes in front of the shelter with several cats crammed together.

The couple said they had been breeding cats and were leaving Egypt. They had sold all the kittens and now there were five adult cats left. Koky could accept the cats or they would release them on the streets.

Since breeding cats would not be able to survive on the streets, Koky had no choice and took them to Haven. There were three red cats, a white cat and a red tomcat, all longhaired. One of the red cats was pregnant and had her kittens at the shelter.

Two of these cats love each other very much, Aila and Ava. These two are adopted together.

Both are beautiful, fluffy red cats and, like forest cats, have tufts in their ears.

Due to their coat color they can be considered a rarity, as only 20% of all ginger cats are female. In addition, their amber eyes make their appearance very special. Ava has a small white bib.

They are both estimated to be around 3 years old. Veterinary examinations have not revealed any health problems.

In Haven they get along very well with their own kind, but they also love people. They are both very friendly and love human attention.

Aila and Ava are already sterilized, deflead, dewormed, chipped and vaccinated. They can fly to Europe, Canada and the US. They both have a vaccination passport and an official veterinary certificate of active protection against rabies.

These two beauties are pure indoor cats. Sure, they can enjoy the benefits of a balcony with a screen, a fully enclosed enclosure or a cat-proof garden, but they are not allowed to roam freely.

Did Aila and Ava touch your heart? Then read the information about our adoption procedure.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.


My name is Karamello.

When I was 1 month old my mother was poisoned. I was next to her trying to get some milk. I didn't know she had died and there was no more milk and I wasn't safe anymore.

A young lady saw me and took me home, she took care of me and loved me very much. I felt like I had a mother again. She brought me delicious food and gave me lots of hugs.

I was so happy with her but life wasn't fair to me again. My friend had finished high school and had to go to college when she left home.

Her family took me away and left me alone on the roof to suffer from the cold and loneliness. They didn't care for me or give me any food.

My friend came back from college and found me on the roof and her family told her I wasn't welcome back home anymore. So she put me on Facebook to try and find me a safe place. She eventually found me a safe place where I live now in Haven.

I came to them in May. They all love me here and gave me a new name Karamello to have a new life. Now I am looking for a loving forever home. I would like to have a home where it is quieter, with much less cats than in Haven.

I like attention from people and like to sit on people's laps. But there are limits; I don't crawl on people's necks like some cats here in Haven like to do.

I am about a year and a half old, vaccinated, chipped and neutered. I use the litter box. I promise to come and check on my human when he is on the toilet. I listened to the advice of the other cats in Haven and know what my duties are as a house cat.

I can fly to the US, UK, Canada and Europe. Is there an adopter for me?

I have suffered enough in my life and I want a family that will consider me a family member and I will live with them for the rest of my life.


Minnie on the street

End of November 2023; a report about a cat whose kittens were taken by children and is whining. The day after a report of two kittens whose mother was run over and are also whining.

All three are admitted to Haven. One of the two kittens survives. And so does the mother cat. She is named Minnie by her first sponsor.

Minnie had an infection in her left eye that medication could not save. It was removed and closed.

Before her surgery

We now introduce you to the beautiful friendly Minnie. She is very, very sweet. Very affectionate. She likes to sit in the garden and enjoy.

It is estimated that she was born around the summer of 2022. That makes Minnie currently a 2 year old.

Minnie is ready to go to her forever home. She has received her basic vaccinations, including Rabies. She is microchipped and spayed. Minnie has received her deworming and flea treatment. And fear not; even with only one eye, Minnie can find the litter box.

As a former street cat, we attach great importance to the safety of our cats. Therefore, Minnie must be an indoor cat or only come outside in a closed, secure garden.

Do you see Minnie as a fit for your family? Then read on the adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us with all your questions.


This is a reserved cat

Upon arrival at Haven

Last February, something very ordinary happened on the streets of Cairo. Dogs attacked a very young kitten.

However, this was a lucky thing for this kitten as he was spotted and ended up in Haven. His admission price was the lower part of his right front leg which could not be saved.

He was given good care and the name Nemr.

At first he was scared. Didn't want to be touched. Some cats stay scared their whole lives. Not Nemr.

He has now become a cat that demands human attention. He follows the shelter workers around hoping to get a pet. Which he does get, of course, although not all the time. There is a lot of work to be done in Haven.

Pet me, all day long!

Nemr is estimated to have been born around New Year's 2024. He is ready to leave for a new home.

And that means he is litter box trained. He has received his basic vaccinations, including rabies vaccination. He is also neutered and chipped and has received his deworming and anti-flea treatment.

The absence of his right hand is no obstacle for Nemr. Besides being affectionate towards people, Nemr is also a good friend towards other cats.

Nemr also has no problem with the sweet cat-friendly dog Hope who walks around among the cats.

We ask anyone who would consider giving Nemr a home to read the adoption procedure. Know that we attach great importance to a safe environment for our rescued ex-street cats. They should not be able to end up on the streets again.

And of course don't hesitate to contact us to contact for questions. This all runs on volunteers. Nothing is too much for us to give our cats a home.