
Fonzie just picked up off the street

In late April 2023, Kareema was driving over a busy bridge when she thought she saw a dead kitten. But something in her thought, let me just stop and see if he really wasn't alive. And it was a good thing she followed her gut, she found a kitten that had most likely been hit by a car or motorcycle.

The kitten had a broken front leg and a tail that was almost completely dead. She took him and immediately took him to a vet to be checked. The kitten turned out to have severe anemia for which he was treated.

The next day the dead piece of tail was removed and the wound next to his tail was treated. His leg had already grown together wrongly, they couldn't do anything about that and they left it like that.

Kareema took the kitten to her own home to recover from all his injuries. Fortunately, the kitten recovered quickly and started playing with the other kittens at Kareema's home. The kitten turned out to be a male and was named Fonzie. 

After a while he moved to 'the haven' to get stronger and grow up. In 'the haven' Fonzie made more friends and he turned out to be a very social cat, both towards people and the other cats and the cat-friendly dog. He grew into a healthy young boy, although with a deformed leg and without a tail but that did not bother him at all.

In December 2024, Fonzie thought he could finally pack his bags because he received an adoption offer. Unfortunately, that adoption was canceled in January 2025, through no fault of his own. 

At the end of January 2025, Fonzie suddenly developed a swollen leg that also started bleeding. The vet then decided that his leg would be better amputated and this was done. 

Like all SHE cats, Fonzie has received his vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. He is also chipped and castrated. Has received his deworming and anti-flea treatment. Fonzie is also litter box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

As you can read, Fonzie has been through a lot in his short life. He has so much love to give, we hope that he can pack his suitcase soon and get his own forever home.

Interested or have any questions? Feel free to send us a message, we are happy to assist you. And take a look our adoption procedure.

Amputation of left front leg, end of January 2025
Photo after amputation, end of January 2025


Name: Gerry

Age: 1.5 years

Gender: Male, neutered.

Behavior/character: Gerry is still fearful of people, with tasty treats there is still room for improvement. Gerry is very focused on food.

Other particularities (lap cat, shoulder cat): No touch cat.

Medication/health: Gerry was injured on his right front leg when he was found. This has been amputated. Gerry is otherwise a healthy tomcat.

Social with people: Not yet, with sweets he almost dares to touch my finger with his nose.

Social with other cats and dogs: Very social with other cats and okay with cat-friendly dogs.

How the cat ended up in the haven: Gerry was found on the street by a lovely lady who took him home and had him operated on because he was injured on his right front leg. Unfortunately, that lovely lady couldn't keep him and she contacted Kareema and that's how Gerry came to 'the haven' after the operation to recover.


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Name: Mimmie

Age: approximately 1 year old.

Gender: Female sterilized.

Behavior/character: Mimmie is a sweet, affectionate cat.

Other details: Mimmie is a first class cuddler, she loves attention.

Medication/health: Mimmie was missing part of her right front leg when she was rescued from the streets, no one knows how this happened. Her right front leg was amputated.

Social with people: Mimmie is very social towards people, she likes to cuddle.

Social with other cats and dogs: Mimmie is social towards other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How the cat ended up in the haven: Not long ago Kareema saw a post about a young kitten that was walking around in October 6, Cairo. The kitten was limping and missing part of a front leg. Kareema immediately picked her up from the streets and took Mimmie to the vet. Here the right front leg was immediately removed and Mimmie turned out to be pregnant. After the surgery Mimmie was transferred to 'the haven' to recover and soon after gave birth to 4 healthy kittens.

Mimmie shortly after arriving in Haven


❗ This is a confirmed cat. This one is no longer available for adoption.

Our girl Nicky her story started on the streets, like most Haven cats. The life of a street cat is full of dangers. In her case the danger was a collision with a motorcycle.

Her back legs were broken and she also suffered paralysis in her rear end.

There was a woman who would sometimes give Nicky something to eat. She noticed the condition Nicky was in and contacted Haven to ask if they could help. – And they could.

Nicky has now had months to regain her strength. And recover. She has lost her left hind leg. Her paralysis has not improved. But it could have been worse.

Nicky is fortunately mobile. See the video below. She can use her right hind leg to stand up. This allows Nicky to use the litter box. So she is independent.

Nicky has now received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and Rabies. Has had anti-flea treatment and deworming treatment. And is also chipped and sterilized.

So now she has become a three-legged girl who has to rely on her front legs to get around. She can crawl onto a chair but otherwise stays at ground level.

Socially Nicky is a bit shy at first. But after a while when she knows you and knows you can be trusted she is friendly and you can touch her.

She is good with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

It seems obvious but we have to mention it; She must never be in danger again. Her adopter must be able to guarantee her a safe home.

If you would like to investigate whether adopting Nicky is an option, please take a look at our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.


This is an adopted cat

We sometimes receive reports of the cruelty that people inflict on street cats. Or we receive the consequences. – Fortunately, there are sometimes other events, hopeful situations.

This is such a situation. – A kind man had found a seriously injured cat. And took him to a vet. – Help a little, yes, maybe quite a few people would. But paying the vet for a seriously injured street cat….. – That cat was very lucky in its accident.

After care, it turned out that the kind man could not give the cat a home. And that's why he eventually ended up in Haven.

He was given the name Gaston in memory of the Flemish comedian Gaston Berghmans of the duo Gaston & Leo.

Gaston's street life cost him his right front leg. But otherwise he is unscathed and he is healthy.

He's a cuddle bug. Very affectionate. Gaston can do everything a four-legged cat can do, including jumping.

Gaston is estimated to be approximately one year young. He gets along well with other cats and dogs and would fit well in a family with children.

The concept of 'the litter box' is clear to Gaston and he applies it. He is neutered and has had his basic vaccinations. When he travels he will be chipped and have a negative Rabies certificate.

Gaston has not been in Haven for very long. That is not necessary to be adopted. And certainly not with Gaston, who is already a sweet boy and does not need any further 'training' to become a good SHE cat.

We are looking for a good home for Gaston, just like for all our cats. A safe home. And this means that Gaston must absolutely be an indoor cat.

Who can give our boy a home to live in, a lap to lie in, a litter box to... ?

contact us! – We are happy to help you to see if the dream of placing this handsome boy with you is possible.

Tip: although we would like to explain it to you this way, we suggest that you first: our adoption procedure good to read.