
This is a confirmed cat

April 2021 – Crystal on the street

April 2, 2021. – Like many times before, there was a post in the Safe Haven Egypt Facebook group about a cat in distress on the street.

A request for help to save this blind pregnant cat. It received 92 responses. The means were found. A sponsor gave her the name Crystal.

Crystal came to live in Haven. And gave birth to her 3 babies. She was a good mom.

We are now 2 years and a half later. Crystal still lives in Haven. And wait patiently for adoption.

Life was hard for Crystal. That has left traces. Physically and mentally. She lost one eye which was surgically removed. The remaining eye is blind.

A potential adopter of Crystal will have to be patient with her. Crystal is certainly not a 'wild cat'. She will not hide, crawl away from her human. She is not aggressive. But she is 'shy'.

Crystal has a hard time with touch. It took a long time before Crystal wanted to allow Koky to pet her. – The adopter will have to be patient with Crystal.

April 2022

Crystal is good with other cats. This makes it an option to adopt another cat in addition to Crystal. One that is more social.

Like all of Haven's cats, Crystal has been rendered sterile. She knows how a litter box works. Has received her vaccinations, is chipped...

And when she has found her human she will travel with all the required documents.

Crystal is a blind cat. Fortunately, that is not something to worry about. Blind cats are very adaptable, which is what Chrystal has done. Just try not to move too many things, especially in the beginning, or get in the way.

It is obvious but it needs to be written out; Crystal cannot be left outside freely under any circumstances. – Indoor cat. Cat run. Very well enclosed garden with professional cat fence. – That's how it should be.

Who is considering adopting Crystal then take a look at our adoption procedure. – And – please – don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

April 2022
August 2023


This cat is withdrawn of adoption availability

August 2021

Haven has more than 250 cats. For some cats, their entire history is clear from the point they were found on the street, fell out of their former owner's window, or someone came to dump them at Haven.

This is not so clear about Cocopuff. The earliest mention of Cocopuff is from August 2021. She was in Haven at the time and was in the group for which there was a call for sponsorship to pay for the sterilization.

Most likely, Cocopuff, like so many others, was found as a heavily infected kitten on the street and brought to Haven.

Infections in the eyes of kittens are common. Sometimes the medication can save them. Sometimes not. Cocopuff has lost her eyes. The eyes have been removed. This trauma has not affected her.

Cocopuff is a very friendly girl. She can give a lot of affection. She will gratefully accept petting. Blind cats – such as Cocopuff – also know perfectly how to use the litter box.

She lives in Haven together with many other cats. And actually she would do better somewhere where it is a bit quieter, less busy. She can certainly be kept with other cats, but not too many.

We suspect that Cocopuff is about 2 years and a half old. She has been staying in Haven for 2 years now, so it is really time for Cocopuff to go on a trip.

She has been made infertile, has been given deworming treatments and vaccination against the most common cat diseases. And she will travel with the negative certificate of the test for rabies.

Some people think that black cats bring bad luck, but nothing could be further from the truth. Who wants to improve each other's lives by bringing Cocopuff into your family?

This is possible after completing the adoption procedure. There is an interview with the adopter and a contribution has to be paid.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send a message to see what is possible.

Note about the photos: the photo below is the best available, before the surgery on the eyes. The most recent photo is at the very bottom with eyes removed.

January 2022
June 2022
August 2023

Mitzi Rose

This is a adopted cat

Looking 'nice' is no guarantee not to be dumped on the street. Haven received a tip from a beautiful house cat, a Persian cat, that had been abandoned on the street. That is a difficult life for every cat. Such a beautiful cat wouldn't stay beautiful for long.

February 2023

The foundling was given a place in Haven. And turned out to be pregnant. None of Mitzi Rose's kittens survived.

In the meantime, Mitzi Rose has been staying with us for 9 months. We estimate her to be approximately 3 years old. She is chipped and has had all her vaccinations, including rabies. Has undergone sterilization.

Deworming, flea treatment...and of course she goes on the cat couch like all cats.

Mitzi Rose may be a beautiful Persian cat, but she has more to serve than her appearance.

She is a friendly and affectionate cat who would do very well with (well-behaved) children.

Mitizi Rose is ready for the next step. This pretty girl is ready to leave for her golden basket.

Please know that all Safe Haven Egypt must live as indoor cats. Or need to have a safe complete garden or a catio. There are no 'quiet streets', safe neighborhoods. Mizi Rose lived in safe conditions and it should really remain that way.

Who's going to give her a chance? Is that you? – We would be happy to investigate that. A starting point is to take a look adoption procedure.

If these conditions sound like something to you or you have any questions... Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will assist you as quickly as possible with all kinds of pleasure.

Not actually looking for a cat right now? Understandable. It must fit your situation. Not an impulse decision. But maybe you know someone in your area who is looking for a boyfriend? – Sharing is caring!

April 2023


This is a adopted cat

This girl is another long-term resident of the Haven who has been overlooked for adoption until now.

June 2021

Meet Lucy. It was the end of June 2021 when Koky first received a message about a blind kitten, alone, on the street. She was able to arrange for the little cat to be brought to the Haven and she has remained there ever since.

Lucy is estimated to be just over two years old at the time of this writing. Her eyes didn't have to be removed, but all she sees are shadows.

She is a gentle cat, friendly and good-natured. Lucy does well with other cats and with cat-friendly dogs. She has the kind of temperament that would fit well in quieter households, including those with respectful, gentle children.

Most recent photo of Lucy

With the exception of a few months before she arrived at our shelter, Lucy has always known the safety of the Haven, including the fully fenced yard.

She needs this kind of protection in her new home, either as a completely indoor kitten or with one catio or completely cat-proof garden with special fencing.

Lucy has been sterilized and chipped. She has also been vaccinated against rabies (with the required blood test) and has had her standard cat vaccines.

Would you give our beautiful, kind girl a forever home? She is ready to travel and has been for a long time.

If you want to offer Lucy a home take a look at our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us.

If you are not in a position to adopt at this time, would you please help us by sharing Lucy's profile? (share options at the bottom of this post)


Fallen angel on the street

If you follow SHE, you know that Koky's phone is buzzing almost constantly. Messages, calls, texts – all about cats needing help. Unfortunately, due to limited space and resources, we can only help so few cats. Simsim is lucky, in more ways than one.

It was August 2021 when Koky was alerted to a report about a kitten that had fallen from a building – four floors – and was now just lying on the street, not moving.

He was certainly still alive and some people had given some food and water, but other than that he was just left to die.

Unsure if anything could be done other than provide some comfort and human love, Koky arranged for the kitten, named Simsim, to be brought to the Haven. He was weak and couldn't walk, but nothing was broken.

With the right nutrition, medicine and vitamins, Simsim was soon back on his feet. It wasn't long before he was taken to the kitten apartment to socialize with the other pups.

Simsim has been a resident of the Haven for a while and is more than ready for his forever home. He used to greet me in the main apartment every morning and then wanted me to sit down and have a bit of time just for him. He loves cuddles and would be the perfect cat to have


Claudia Bart, visitor to Haven in October 2023

Simsim is estimated to be approximately three years old at the time of writing. He is an intelligent, gentle and friendly cat. He likes to accept affection and appreciates attention, but he is not a cat that always follows you around. – We make no guarantees once he is in a forever home; personalities sometimes change once cats have their own people.

Simsim should fit well in most households, including those with older, respectful children. He loves other cats as well as people, but could be an only cat if given enough attention and playtime daily.

Simsim is house trained, neutered, chipped and has had his vaccinations, including rabies. He travels with his original rabies blood test certificate and his vaccination record.

Simsim should not be allowed to run loose under any circumstances, not even in a quiet residential area. Like many of our cats, he does not understand the danger of vehicles. We want him to have a long, happy and safe life ahead of him. Simsim should be kept as an indoor cat, but one catio is fine or going outside in a completely cat-proof garden (with special fencing) would be welcome. Some of our adopters who don't have a cat-safe outdoor space have successfully trained their cats to walk with a cat harness, so that's also an option.

That said, we believe that with the right amount of attention, stimulation and involvement, cats can live fulfilling and happy lives as indoor cats. Our team can provide you with advice and guidance in this area.

If you're looking for a friendly, calm and gentle cat as a companion, why not consider our handsome Simsim? Maybe he's just what you're looking for.

If not, would you consider sharing this profile in other groups? We've found that most of our new adopters learn about us from their friends, colleagues, or someone who shared one of our posts. (share options at the bottom of this post)

Please help us spread the news!

This boy has been in the Haven for two years now, without a single offer for adoption. All “preparations” for his journey have been completed; he can pack his bags and fly away to a new life in Britain, the EU, the US or Canada.

If you are interested in offering Simsim a forever home or would like to learn more, be sure to read our adoption procedure.

Do not hesitate to contact us for questions or interest. We are happy to help you.

October 2023
October 2023


At the end of March 2023, a message from a heavily infected cat in a local Facebook group of local cats in dire need reached Koky, the manager of Safe Haven Egypt.

Although Haven was and is still above capacity, that nameless cat was given a place. We couldn't save her eyes, but we could save the cat, water certainly doesn't always work.

Her sponsor gave her the name Ariadne and she is doing very well. The eyes are removed and closed. She has been sterilized and has received all her vaccinations. Goes in the litter box. She is good with other animals such as cats and cat-friendly dogs.

Ariadne is a calm cat who will do well with children. Ariadne is estimated to be two years old.

A blind cat is technically a disabled cat. But Ariadne doesn't know that. They are just cats through and through. And in many cases they are extra affectionate. It's really nothing to worry about.

All SHE cats must be kept indoors. Or in a very well-enclosed garden or in a cat run. A blind adopted cat has once been found on the street. We really don't want to experience that.

That is why there is a personal interview for prospective adopters via a video call to investigate whether the cat, candidate and expectations match each other.

See our about us page adoption procedure if you are thinking 'Yes, maybe... could I give Ariadne a place in my home?'

For questions…please ask them. do not hesitate. You certainly won't disturb me.

Or maybe you think... no, not with me... but I know that X is looking for a cat. Please share this with your circle of acquaintances.

The blind cats of SHE – The blind cats of SHE

Safe Haven Egypt takes in approximately 250 cats in its shelter, the 'Haven'.

The cats for adoption are on this website and on the Facebook group 'Safe Haven Egypt – Cats for adoption'. But there are actually many more cats than this small selection of cats for which there is a profile. The 'warehouse cats'.

This page contains 48 photos of blind warehouse cats. A look behind the scenes of the many, many 'invisible' cats that do not have an adoption profile.

Blind cats do not require any special care. They function perfectly as a house cat.

contact us

Safe Haven Egypt takes in about 250 cats at its shelter, the 'Haven'.

The cats for adoption are listed on this website (in Dutch) and on the facebook group 'Safe Haven Egypt – Cats for adoption'. But actually there are many more cats than this small selection of cats for which there is a profile. The 'backroom cats'.

On this page are 48 photos of blind backroom cats. A behind-the-scenes look at the many, many 'invisible' cats that do not have an adoption profile.

Blind cats need no special care. They function perfectly well as domestic cats.

Contact SHE admin for questions


Bob found his way to Haven two years ago as a young adult cat. As is so common with street cats, Bob had infected eyes. Such a cat has no chance of surviving on the street.

It was not possible to save Bob's eyes. Saving Bob himself was successful. He is healthy and his eye sockets are closed. Bob is an Egyptian Mau from Egypt itself.

“I'm Bob. Blind Bob.Many people think that blind cats need special care, but that is not the case. Every day I think that maybe today I will be adopted. I've been waiting for adoption in Haven for two years. I am three years old. I am one of the oldest cats in Haven. I'm afraid no one wants me. Koky says I am a good cat and whoever adopts me would be very lucky to get me.”

Bob via proxy by Koky

Bob is a sweet, affectionate boy who likes to follow you around. He likes to be carried. He is also a fan of cuddling.

Like all our cats, Bob has been sterilized, microchipped, vaccinated against rabies (with his original laboratory test certificate) and also against standard cat diseases. He is potty trained.

Given his gentle and friendly nature, we expect Bob will fit in well with most households, including those with respectful children. He should also do well in homes with other cats and a cat-friendly dog, provided proper introductions are made. Bob is a sweet boy who will not be limited by his disability.

Please note that Bob must be an indoor cat. What we hope is obvious. Going out is only possible in a completely cat-proof garden (with the special fence) or a cat run.

If you are interested in offering Bob a home, check out our adoption procedure. If you have questions please contact us.

We will do our best to contact you within 24 hours.


In early March 2022, a group of young children brought this sweet girl to the Haven. They found her running and hiding from a pack of street dogs, terrified that they would hurt her. It was heartwarming to see a group of children come together to help an animal in need, so Koky happily obliged their request to bring the scared girl to the safety of the Haven.

She was named Bluebell and has blossomed during her stay with us. She is a friendly, healthy girl. She loves human company and gets along well with the other kittens in the Haven. She is a beautiful cat and we estimate her to be between 2-3 years old.

Like all our cats, Bluebell is sterilized, microchipped, vaccinated against rabies (with her original laboratory test certificate) and also against standard cat diseases. She is potty trained.

Given her gentle and friendly nature, we expect Bluebell to fit in well with most households, including those with respectful children. She should also do well in homes with other cats and a cat-friendly dog, provided proper introductions are made. Bluebell is such a beautiful and friendly cat – we can't believe she hasn't been adopted yet!

Please note that Bluebell must be an indoor cat. Or if she is allowed to go outside, only in a completely cat-proof garden (with the special fence) or a cat run.

Bluebell has lived most of her life in complete safety. We want to ensure that this level of safety is maintained. She will not understand that vehicles pose an immediate danger.

We believe that cats can live happy and fulfilled lives as indoor cats as long as they get the right amount of play, stimulation, one-on-one time, etc. Our team can give you advice on furnishing your home with cats.

If you are interested in offering a home to Bluebell, check out our adoption procedure. If you have questions please contact us.

Myself or another member of our volunteer Admin team will do their best to contact you within 24 hours.


Koky and the local team deal with so much heartache on a daily basis, much of which is not shown to SHE supporters. It is difficult to understand how they are able to carry on, to continue to help wherever and whenever possible. But every now and then there is a little miracle – a reminder that sometimes positive things can come from the most difficult or dire situations.

Azizi released shortly after arriving in Haven

Meet one of those little wonders. Azizi was born in late February/early March 2023 and then promptly thrown away by people – literally thrown in the trash, along with his brothers and sisters. Koky found it in the garbage can. Unfortunately, he was the only one of the little kittens still alive.

With such a young baby (eyes still closed) the chance of survival is not very high. But Azizi has a strong spirit, a will to survive. He accepted bottle feeding very well and by the time he opened his eyes he was eager to make new friends and explore.

Koky is the only mother who has ever known this young one. Azizi is a friendly, curious and outgoing cat who always greets visitors when they come to Koky's home. He has grown up with other cats, so we expect he would do fine in a multi-cat environment. He should also do well with respectful children.

As a young kitten, Azizi needs a lot of attention and playtime. Since he was saved as a little baby, all he has known is safety.

Azizi is not allowed to run loose under any circumstances, not even in a quiet residential area. Like many of our cats, he does not and will not understand the danger of vehicles. We want him to have a long, happy and safe life. Azizi must be an indoor cat, but one catio is fine or going outside in a completely cat-proof garden (with the special fence) would be welcome. Some of our adopters who do not have a cat-safe outdoor space have successfully trained their cats to walk on a leash with a harness. So that is also a possibility.

That said, we believe that indoor cats can live fulfilled and happy lives with the right amount of attention, stimulation and involvement.

As a kitten, Azizi needs playtime every day.

Azizi is house trained, neutered, chipped and has had his vaccinations, including rabies. He travels with his original rabies test certificate and his vaccination record.

If you are interested in offering Azizi a forever home then take a look at our adoption procedure.

Do not hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to contact you within one day.