

In early December 2024, Kareema saw a post about a cat that was injured in its right eye and left front leg. Kareema immediately had the kitten captured and taken to the vet. Unfortunately, the right eye could not be saved and was removed. The left leg was broken and grew together incorrectly, this did not bother the cat so he did not need surgery for this. After the cat received the care he needed, he came to the safety of 'the haven'. The cat was named Jabari by his first sponsor. 

Jabari is estimated to be around 2 years old, the estimated date of birth is around February 2023. As far as is known, Jabari is a healthy young gentleman who is not bothered by the fact that he is missing his right eye and has a deformity on his left front leg.

Jabari is a very friendly and affectionate cat. Jabari is friendly and calm towards people, he likes to be petted. He also gets along well with the other cats and cat-friendly dogs in 'the haven'.

Like all SHE cats, Jabari has received his vaccinations. These are against common cat diseases and rabies. He is also chipped and has received his deworming and anti-flea treatment. Jabari is neutered and is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be kept indoors. Because Jabari is missing an eye and has a deformity on a front leg, this is extra important for him. A very well-sealed outdoor area or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this friendly and cuddly gentleman a safe and loving home?

For more information about the adoption process, click on the link below: https://safehavenegypt.net/adoptionprocedure

Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact