
Many very young kittens arrive at Safe Haven Egypt. With their mom. But sometimes not. They then have to be bottle fed. That is a lot of work.

But this also results in kittens that are very familiar with people.

Fatima has been a bottle baby. And she has become a friendly young calico cat.

Our girl is one-eyed. Her other eye is cloudy. The fact that she only has a single eye is not a handicap for a domestic cat. Even completely blind cats can handle themselves perfectly.

Fatima is now 1.5 years young. She can live well with other cats and dogs.

She can't be torn away from you once she finds you. She tends to follow you closely. She looks a little cross-eyed with her good eye. She is a very nice cat.

All SHE cats are vaccinated against common cat diseases and rabies. They received an anti-worm and anti-flea treatment. They are chipped and taught to use the litter box.

An essential part of a suitable home for a SHE cat is that it is a safe home. Fatima must be an indoor cat. Or go outside in a very well-enclosed garden from which she cannot escape.

Do you think that giving Fatima a safe and loving home is within your capabilities? – Then check out our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us contact.

December 2024
December 2024