
May 2023. – A video is making the rounds on Facebook of a pitiful pile of cats in Cairo infested with flies and with a badly inflamed mouth. – It's the kind of video that makes you want to reach through the screen to help that creature. (video somewhere below)

Sint Koky acted. – The pile of misery came to Haven and was given the name Mariette.

Some cats in this situation don't make it. – Mariette made it.

We suspect that Mariette was born around March 2023. - So she is now 1 year old. Mariette has become a beautiful calico cat. There's nothing wrong with her. But the experience on the street has not made her social.

Mariette is not wild. But 'shy'. Currently, she can only be touched to a very limited extent by a trusted human.

This may change. Shy cats can become very affectionate cats who want nothing more than to cuddle. – But that is certainly not certain. A cat like Mariette needs love and patience. But also respect for the boundaries that Mariette sets. Forcing it is certainly not a good idea.

Mariette has no problems with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

Like all SHE cats, it has been sterilized. Has received a Rabies vaccination and basic vaccination against common cat diseases. An anti-worm treatment and anti-flea treatment. She is litter box trained.

The last thing we want is for a SHE cat to end up back in danger from the streets. Mariette must be an indoor cat. Or have a garden that she can't get out of.

Who can give our miracle cat a home? – A home with sweet attention. With acceptance that Mariette may never be a cuddle cat.

Please read our adoption procedure Please. And don't hesitate to contact us for questions or an offer to share your home with Mariette.

Mariette on the street