
Kareema had been feeding a ginger cat in the neighborhood where she lives for a while. At the end of July 2024, this cat had given birth to kittens in one of the buildings in this neighborhood. Kareema received a phone call from someone in the neighborhood that the mother cat was not doing well. Kareema immediately took the cat to a vet, in all probability the cat had been poisoned by someone in the building. Fortunately, the mother cat recovered quickly. Kareema took her to her building, there was an apartment there that was empty. In the apartment, Kareema set up a cage so that the mother cat could raise the kittens safely and comfortably.

Once the kittens were vaccinated, the mother cat and her kittens could move to 'the haven'. Here, the mother cat was given the name Duchess. Duchess is a super affectionate and active cat. She loves to be petted. Duchess is also supposed to be a cat that gets along well with children. Duchess gets along well with the other cats and cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'.

Duchess is estimated to be less than 2 years old, her estimated date of birth is around April 2023. Duchess is vaccinated against cat flu, sneezing disease and rabies, a titer determination is done for the rabies vaccination because this is necessary to be allowed to fly. She is chipped, sterilized, deflead and dewormed. Duchess is litter box trained. Duchess can travel to Europe, England, the United States, Canada.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Interested in this affectionate and active lady? Send us a message, we are happy to help you.