
Meet Fanta, one and a half years old and – yes – female. There are three times as many male ginger cats as there are female ones.

In November 2022, Koky, the founder of Safe Haven Egypt (SHE), was asked if she could help a small, red-haired baby cat who was missing a back leg. When a friend of Koky's went to pick her up from the street, she realized that the kitten had a sister.

Of course, they were both rescued and brought to the Haven, because without their mother they wouldn't stand a chance.

The SHE community gave them the names Asbury and Fanta.

Unfortunately, Asbury, the kitten with only half a hind leg, was already very ill. She died shortly afterwards, even though she was under vet care and everything was done for her. However, things went well with Fanta.

Fanta has now grown into a wonderful young lady. Apart from her intense ginger coat and beautiful markings, she has a classic Egyptian appearance: Slender, athletic build, long legs and a narrow head with a long nose and large ears.

She is simply beautiful!

Fanta loves human affection. Not a cat that jumps on your lap from day one. She needs some time to get used to new people and a new environment. But in general she loves people and gets along well with her own kind.

Apart from her first days of life, Fanta only knows the shelter and must be kept indoors in her new home. In fact, SHE never accepts unsecured outdoor access for its rescued cats because they have all experienced the safety of the Haven. Of course Fanta would appreciate a well-secured balcony or a cat-proof garden, but this is not a necessity.

Fanta has been sterilized, deflead, dewormed, chipped and vaccinated and can fly to Europe, Canada and the US. She travels with her vaccination passport and proof of active rabies protection.

If you are interested in Fanta, you can find more information about our adoption procedure here.

do not hesitate to to contact with us if you have any questions or an adoption proposal.