
Naam: Basbosa

Leeftijd: ongeveer 2,5 jaar oud.

Gender: Male castrated.

Medicatie/gezondheid: Basbosa is FIV-positief, op dit moment zit hij nog in de latente fase en ervaart hij geen klachten hiervan.

Sociaal met mensen: Basbosa is een super aanhankelijke schootkat die dol is op knuffelen en aandacht.

Sociaal met andere katten en honden: Basbosa is heel vriendelijk naar alle andere katten en de kat-vriendelijke hond in ’the haven’.

Hoe belandde de kat in the haven: Het was juni 2022 toen Kareema een bericht zag van twee hele jonge kittens die op straat waren gedumpt in een kartonnen doos. Kareema heeft zich geen moment bedacht en heeft ze meteen van de straat gered. Omdat ze nog zo jong waren zijn ze Basbosa en zijn broer grootgebracht met een flesje door Kareema en haar team. Basbosa is opgegroeid in ’the haven’ tot een heerlijke aanhankelijke jonge kater. Hij heeft zo veel liefde te geven en zou dit het liefste doen in een liefdevol thuis.


Name: Cory

Age: About 5 years old.

Gender: Male, neutered. 

Behavior/character: Cory is a calm cat, friendly towards all other cats and cat-friendly dogs. 

Medication/health: Cory is completely blind and has a crooked position of his head, which he holds slightly to the right. He does not experience any discomfort from this, he manages fine in 'the haven'. Cory has no other known health problems.

Social with people: Cory is shy towards people and does not allow himself to be petted, he is a so-called 'no touch cat'.

Social with other cats and dogs: Cory is very social with other cats and the cat friendly dog in 'the haven'. 

How the cat ended up in the haven: Cory is one of the many blind kittens that Kareema has rescued from the busy streets of Cairo. And that's a good thing because blind kittens don't stand a chance of surviving on the streets.


Name: Mooji

Age: Approximately 2.5 years old.

Gender: Female, sterilized.

Behavior/character: Mooji is a very friendly and affectionate cat.

Medication/Health: As far as we know, Mooji has no health problems.

Social with people: Mooji is very people oriented, she loves to get attention and be petted. She is a master at giving headbutts. 

Social with other cats and dogs: Mooji is friendly towards other cats and the cat-friendly dog in her apartment in 'the haven'. 

How the cat ended up in the haven: It was the end of January when suddenly children stood in front of the gate of 'the haven' with Mooji in their hands. The children saw that Mooji was being chased on the street by a group of street dogs and they had saved her from the dogs. After that they immediately went with Mooji to 'the haven' where Kareema immediately took her inside.


Name: Gerry

Age: 1.5 years

Gender: Male, neutered.

Behavior/character: Gerry is still fearful of people, with tasty treats there is still room for improvement. Gerry is very focused on food.

Other particularities (lap cat, shoulder cat): No touch cat.

Medication/health: Gerry was injured on his right front leg when he was found. This has been amputated. Gerry is otherwise a healthy tomcat.

Social with people: Not yet, with sweets he almost dares to touch my finger with his nose.

Social with other cats and dogs: Very social with other cats and okay with cat-friendly dogs.

How the cat ended up in the haven: Gerry was found on the street by a lovely lady who took him home and had him operated on because he was injured on his right front leg. Unfortunately, that lovely lady couldn't keep him and she contacted Kareema and that's how Gerry came to 'the haven' after the operation to recover.


Age: 10 years or older.

Gender: Male castrated.

Behavior/character: Fuzzy is a calm and friendly tomcat. 

Not a lap cat, but I think he'll be more approachable in a quieter environment.

Medication/health: Fuzzy is estimated to be 10 years or older, he was found blind on the street. As far as known, there are no other problems with his health.

Social with people: Fuzzy really likes to be cuddled, so you can hear him purring loudly.

Fuzzy has been tested for FIV/FeLV in January 2025 and is FIV positive. He is now in the latent phase. Without any symptoms. How long that will last is impossible to say. When in the progressive phase, these cats can often still have a long and good life with treatment.

Social with other cats and dogs: Fuzzy is social towards cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How did the cat end up in the haven: Kareema first saw a post about Fuzzy's brother, also blind and 10 years or older and alone on the street. They immediately took him off the street. About a month later, the same reporter saw Fuzzy, also blind and completely alone, walking and contacted Kareema. Kareema then immediately went to rescue him from the street. How these two guys of 10+ years were able to survive on the busy streets of Cairo, no idea. It is suspected that these two elderly gentlemen first had an owner together and that this owner may have passed away. It could well be that the family of their owner just threw the two of them out on the street. Fuzzy's brother died not long after he came to 'the haven' from the effects of diabetes.


This is an reserved cat. This one is no longer available for adoption at this time.

Name: Mimmie

Age: approximately 1 year old.

Gender: Female sterilized.

Behavior/character: Mimmie is a sweet, affectionate cat.

Other details: Mimmie is a first class cuddler, she loves attention.

Medication/health: Mimmie was missing part of her right front leg when she was rescued from the streets, no one knows how this happened. Her right front leg was amputated.

Social with people: Mimmie is very social towards people, she likes to cuddle.

Social with other cats and dogs: Mimmie is social towards other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How the cat ended up in the haven: Not long ago Kareema saw a post about a young kitten that was walking around in October 6, Cairo. The kitten was limping and missing part of a front leg. Kareema immediately picked her up from the streets and took Mimmie to the vet. Here the right front leg was immediately removed and Mimmie turned out to be pregnant. After the surgery Mimmie was transferred to 'the haven' to recover and soon after gave birth to 4 healthy kittens.

Mimmie shortly after arriving in Haven


Pancho on the street

In early July 2024, Pancho was found all alone in the busy streets of Cairo.

He couldn't walk, his hindquarters were paralyzed. After they got him off the street they took x-rays of his back and there was good hope that he would be able to walk again one day.

After a while of TLC and vitamin injections, Pancho can walk again. His gait is a bit wobbly but he experiences no hindrance from it at all.

He is now estimated to be 3 years old. And therefore born in 2022.

Pancho is a very cuddly and sweet tomcat who follows you around to get attention. He is a lap cat.

Like all SHE cats, Pancho has received his vaccination against common cat diseases and rabies. He has been dewormed and has had an anti-flea treatment. Pancho is neutered and microchipped. And he knows how to use the litter box.

He is social towards other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

As an ex-street cat who has found safety in Haven, we attach great importance to him finding safety in his new home. Therefore, Pancho must be an indoor cat. Or only come outside in really safe circumstances. Free roaming through the neighborhood is not allowed.

Who can give Pancho a home and cuddles? Is it you? View our adoption procedure. And if you have any questions – please – ask!

We would greatly appreciate it if you shared this post.

December 2024


This is an withdrawn cat. This cat is no longer available for adoption.

Dotty on the street

Dotty was found blind and in very poor condition on the street in the summer of 2022 by people who posted about it on Facebook.

When Kareema, the owner of Haven, saw this message, she immediately went to catch Dotty. Dotty spent a few months in a foster home to get stronger and better. Dotty has been in Haven since the end of October 2022.

Dotty is estimated to have been born in the spring of 2022. So she is a little younger than 3 years old (January 2025).

Dotty is a cheerful affectionate cat, loves cuddles, loves human attention. Will not push but once you start cuddling you will not lose her.

So Dotty is blind, which is nothing that should stop an adopter. Blind cats are very self-reliant. That is really not a problem. For the rest, there are no known special health conditions. An optional FIV/FeLV test is available.

Dotty is social with other cats and cat-friendly dogs. Like all SHE cats, Dotty has received her basic vaccination against common cat diseases and rabies. She has been dewormed and has undergone an anti-flea treatment. Dotty is sterilized and chipped.

Even blind cats know where to find the litter box.

Who can and wants to give this cutie a home? Cuddle her and pamper her. – When she snuggles up next to you and you actually want to get up but you still stay there as long as possible so as not to disturb her?

Then take a look at our adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Sharing this post is caring!

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024


October 2022

In late November 2022, Kareema, the owner of Haven, went to lunch with a friend. She took the wrong road so she had to turn around by making a U-turn. There on that busy road she saw little kitten Quinn, very scared and meowing loudly.

Kareema stopped and pulled him off the busy road and then took him to the safety of the harbor.

Quinn is now two years old. He is estimated to be born in October 2022.

He is not a lap cat. He does not come and ask to be cuddled. He walks, runs and plays to be with you but does not let himself be touched. With time and a home that he can call his own 4-ever home there is room for improvement.

If you play with him a lot he will learn to trust people and hopefully become more affectionate. Since he is a playful cat this process can be a lot of fun for everyone.

December 2024

Quinn has received his vaccination for common cat diseases and rabies. He has received his worm and flea treatment. He is microchipped and neutered. And knows how to use the litter box.

He gets along well with other cats and cat friendly dogs. There are no known medical issues. He sometimes looks a bit cross-eyed. Quinn is a healthy young cat. Not yet tested for FIV/FeLV. Option to have tested is available.

As a SHE cat who has found safety in Haven we insist that it stays that way. And so Quinn must be an indoor cat or only allowed outside in a very well enclosed garden. No free roaming is allowed.

We ask anyone who can give Quinn a home to read the adoption procedure. And don't hesitate to contact us for questions.

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December 2024


Baklava's net, July 2022

We present you a cat with beautiful coat patterns; Baklava.

She was found in a cardboard box on the street as a very small kitten together with her two littermates. That was in July 2022. They were taken in at Haven. Although at first it looked good for the three kittens and all the good care, only Baklava survived.

We put her estimated date of birth in June 2022. Which makes her 2.5 years old now.

From the street, or more accurately, from the box to Haven, that is, from mortal danger to safety. That is good, but Baklava cannot stay in Haven all her life.

December 2024

Baklava is a beautiful healthy cat who gets along well with the many other cats in Haven. And also with friendly dogs.

She is a very calm cat. She likes to be petted when she knows you. She is not (yet) a cat that will lie on your lap. She is very relaxed in her behavior, a cat that does not worry about anything.

She is not aggressive or naughty.

Like all SHE cats, she has received her basic vaccinations against common cat diseases (FVR, FCV, FPV) and rabies. Anti-worming and flea treatment. Baklava has a microchip and is sterilized. And is also litter box trained.

We want to get Baklava out of Haven and into an adopter's home. But under conditions. - Baklava is safe in Haven and must be safe in her new home.

Baklava must be an indoor cat or only allowed outside in a secure enclosed outdoor environment.

Do you see this friendly beautiful cat getting a place in your home? Then take a look the adoption procedure. Don't hesitate to contact us for questions.

December 2024

December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024