
September 2023

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Demokat revived thanks to the good care in Haven!

January 2024

We estimate Demokat to be 3 to 4 years old. She has now received her vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. She has been sterilized.

Has received anti-worm and anti-flea treatments. Is chipped. Graduated from the University of Litter Box Use.

Demokat gets along well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

She is also social with people. It is not a shoulder cat but is friendly and loves cuddles.

Although it is relatively rare in the cats of Safe Haven Egypt, Demokat unfortunately has the feline Immunodeficiency Virus. Better known by the abbreviation FIV or 'cat AIDS'. – There is no cure.

FIV attacks the white blood cells of the immune system, causing them to die, become damaged or no longer perform their normal functions. Cats infected with FIV are therefore at increased risk of illness and infection with other viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

If cats interact peacefully with each other, the risk of infection is very low. A vaccine is available to protect uninfected cats from infection.

If you would not keep Demokat as the only cat in your household, but with other non-FIV cats, we recommend that you ask your veterinarian for advice.

If you want to read more about 'living with an FIV cat; ' This is a Dutch-language Facebook group for people with an FIV cat and this is a similar English speaking group.

Demokat has found safety in Haven. And it must remain that way. Therefore, it should definitely be a cat that cannot roam freely in your neighborhood. So an indoor cat or a very well-enclosed garden is a necessity.

If you would like to give Demokat a try, take a look at our adoption procedure. And please don't hesitate to ask anything. Feel free to ask!