Selection – 4 cats

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This is Crystal. She is 'shy' (shy) and has been in the Haven for over two years. She has been with us since April 2021. ~Koky

This is Gabrielle. She is shy but we can touch her every now and then. ~ Koky

This is Coco Puff.

She is friendly but has a hard time with the other cats. She is afraid of the other cats because there are so many of them. ~Koky

This is Labiwa.

She has been with us for two years. Since 2020. She doesn't scratch people but is shy. She is good with other cats ~Koky

When I asked Koky; “Which cats need an adopter urgently? 'A high priority cat'

She responded with; ” Ammm. Actually they all”

The chosen cats from this selection are cats that have extra difficulty finding an adopter because they are less social. And one who is not shy but has a problem with crowds.

But 'difficult to adopt' is relative.

A cat for example like Cloud also has difficulty finding a 'golden basket'. However, a beautiful cat without a disability.

The cats with profiles stand up adoptable cats. Of the blind ones, there are currently two with profiles; Ariadne and Nemo.

Nemo is a special case and also about the oldest cat in SHE. See profile. What a story. A combination of good and bad luck for Nemo. He is now in the United Kingdom. He has also been waiting for 're-adoption' for a long time now. ~Walter