
This cat is withdrawn of adoption availability

August 2021

Haven has more than 250 cats. For some cats, their entire history is clear from the point they were found on the street, fell out of their former owner's window, or someone came to dump them at Haven.

This is not so clear about Cocopuff. The earliest mention of Cocopuff is from August 2021. She was in Haven at the time and was in the group for which there was a call for sponsorship to pay for the sterilization.

Most likely, Cocopuff, like so many others, was found as a heavily infected kitten on the street and brought to Haven.

Infections in the eyes of kittens are common. Sometimes the medication can save them. Sometimes not. Cocopuff has lost her eyes. The eyes have been removed. This trauma has not affected her.

Cocopuff is a very friendly girl. She can give a lot of affection. She will gratefully accept petting. Blind cats – such as Cocopuff – also know perfectly how to use the litter box.

She lives in Haven together with many other cats. And actually she would do better somewhere where it is a bit quieter, less busy. She can certainly be kept with other cats, but not too many.

We suspect that Cocopuff is about 2 years and a half old. She has been staying in Haven for 2 years now, so it is really time for Cocopuff to go on a trip.

She has been made infertile, has been given deworming treatments and vaccination against the most common cat diseases. And she will travel with the negative certificate of the test for rabies.

Some people think that black cats bring bad luck, but nothing could be further from the truth. Who wants to improve each other's lives by bringing Cocopuff into your family?

This is possible after completing the adoption procedure. There is an interview with the adopter and a contribution has to be paid.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send a message to see what is possible.

Note about the photos: the photo below is the best available, before the surgery on the eyes. The most recent photo is at the very bottom with eyes removed.

January 2022
June 2022
August 2023


This cat is withdrawn

Update 12/02/2024: Unfortunately, Almaia never found an adoptive family. She died of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Just over a year old (at the time of this writing), young Almaia has spent all but the first few weeks of her life in the Haven.

photo March 2022, probably one month old here

If you know anything about SHE, you know that Koky is a magnet for cats. No matter where she goes or what she does, they'll find her. Shopping? Cat in the cart. Coffee shop? Kat sits in the chair at her table, staring at her. Pharmacy? Cat sits just outside the door, begging for help.

And so it was with Almaia. Koky made the mistake of leaving her house one day in late March 2022, only to encounter this little kitten on the street, screaming for attention. She was alone, without food, without water and without mother cat. After some research with the locals to make sure it was an abandoned or orphaned cat, can you guess who accompanied Koky to the Haven that afternoon? Well, it was little Miss Almaia, who has grown into a beautiful one-year-old since she was found.

Almia seeks shade. Note the bushy tail!

Described as playful and friendly by the local team, she never had her own home or her own people. We expect this young girl to bond with her own people. There will of course be a period of adjustment, because she has never had her own home or person(s). But don't worry – our team is here to make this transition as easy as possible for both the adopter and Almaia.

This sweet cat has been sterilized, microchipped, vaccinated against rabies with the laboratory blood test and vaccinated against standard cat diseases. When she travels to her new home, she will do so with her original rabies laboratory blood test certificate and her vaccination record so that her new adopter knows when her vaccinations are required. She is litter box trained.

Having lived almost her entire life within the safety of the Haven, we want Almaia to maintain that same level of safety in her forever home.

If she is allowed in the garden, it must be completely enclosed with the special fencing for cats. Or with a catio. Otherwise, she should be kept as an indoor/house cat.

We believe that indoor cats can live a happy, fulfilled and interesting life with proper attention, daily playtime and interesting toys, objects to climb on, etc. Under no circumstances should Almaia be a free-roaming cat, even in a quiet neighbourhood.

This girl still has some “kitten” left in her, so her adopter/family needs to understand that she needs an outlet for her energy. She gets along well with other cats in the Haven, and also with the cat-friendly dog that is there occasionally. We expect she will fit in well with most households, including those with respectful children.

All adoptions are dependent on a successful home check (carried out via video call) and an adoption fee. See What is the adoption procedure at SHE?

If this sweet girl's expressive face, her friendly and open character or her background appeal to you and you are interested in offering her a forever home, please contact us. If you are not familiar with adoption through our organization, we will be happy to tell you all the details.

If Almaia is not the cat for you, or if you are not currently looking for a new feline companion, would you please share her profile in your circle?

The more her information is shared, the more success we will have in finding her the right home. Word of mouth is still the best way for us to find new adopters! Thank you for your help and all you do!


Ernie, our paralyzed boy, had an adopter but unfortunately passed away before we left.

We're pretty sure the stunningly handsome Ernie once owned his own home. Unfortunately, he fell from a balcony in early December 2022. A kind person rescued him and initially cared for him, but was unable to keep him long-term.

Ernie & getting arrested go together

And so Ernie came to the Haven in mid-December. Unfortunately, his fall left him partially paralyzed and one of his hind legs is dragging behind him. But like so many other disabled cats we've seen, Ernie has been able to adapt.

He still walks, climbs, pulls himself up on chairs or a couch, uses the litter box, plays and does all the other normal things you would expect from a cat. Therefore, there is no reason why Ernie couldn't have a normal forever home like any other cat.

Ernie is estimated to be about 2 years old. His coat has grown fuller and thicker with more elaborate colors since he arrived in the Haven. This long-haired tomcat could easily qualify as a 'cat fashion model' given his good looks and great personality.

It is important to mention that Ernie is not one of Koky's mischievous “angels”. He has a calm and even-tempered temperament and enjoys the company of other felines, people and cat-friendly dogs. If Ernie were given a chance in a home with children, we would recommend that they be older and respectful, understanding his disability.

Ernie is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated against rabies and other common cat diseases. He is a good example to show that physical challenges do not necessarily limit us in what we can and cannot do. As confirmed above, Ernie still uses a litter box.

Going to the litter box is still possible

Ernie needs to be adopted by a loving person/family who wants to keep him safe so we eliminate the chance of other accidents. He must be an indoor/house cat, or if he is allowed outside, only in a cat run or in a cat-proof garden with the special enclosure. An ordinary, standard fence should not stop this boy; we don't want to take any more risks with him. Under no circumstances should he be allowed to roam free.

We charge a one-off adoption fee of £195 ( +/- €220) as an adoption fee. FIV/FeLV testing can be done for the price of the test kit, which costs an additional £15. Adopters are certainly welcome to pay more than our standard rate (our actual transport costs are over £300), but it is never expected or required. Also see What is the adoption procedure at SHE?

Would you like to offer Ernie a forever home? Would you like to talk about what it's like to have a paralyzed cat, or do you have questions about how adoption works at SHE? We are here to help you and answer all those questions. Send message to local volunteer Walter or contact SHE Admin Holly (English or French) and we will do our best to respond within 24 hours.

We couldn't do the work we do without the support of SHE followers and our larger SHE family. Please consider sharing Ernie's post if he's not the cat for you. Thank you for your continued support of SHE and our wonderful cats!