
February 2023, on the street, broken

In February 2023 something that often happens happened; a cat was hit by a vehicle. – The cat was seriously injured.

At least a broken jaw and a terrible eye injury. The photo with this text comes from a video. Be glad you don't see the video.

This cat became Jonsey and she found her way to Haven. And so is a path to life.

As you can see from the photos, she survived well thanks to good medical care. The 'price' Jonsey had to pay was an eye.

Jonsey is not only a beautiful cat but also a very friendly cat. She does well with other cats and also dogs. She even has experience with chickens.

She has received her vaccinations for the common cat diseases and Rabies. Flea treatment and anti-worm treatment.

Joney is microchipped and sterilized. And she doesn't need instructions for the litter box.

She is ready to leave for a new home. Since she is now about 3 years old, now is the time.

During her stay in Haven, Jonsey was able to recover from her past in the safe environment of Haven. That is why her new home must absolutely be safe. She can only go outside in a garden from which she cannot escape. Or a catio.

When she travels to her adopter, it will be with the legally required negative Rabies certificate and her vaccination campaign booklet.

Can you give Joney a safe and loving home? – Are you thinking 'yes, maybe..?'

Then take a look at our adoption procedure. – If you think there is potential here – or you just have questions – Please ask.

If Jonsey isn't the cat for you then maybe he is for someone in your circle. Sharing options are at the bottom of this post. – Sharing is caring.


This is a adopted cat

Eira with her kittens in the 'pet shop', April 2022

We know street cats. People who dump their pet cats too. But that wasn't Eira. Eira comes from a pet shop.

An Egyptian pet shop. And that is different from what you and I think of when we think of 'pet store'. Eira was a domestic cat with five kittens. Her owner took her to such a pet store.

Koky – the manager of Safe Haven Egypt – received a message about this cat family present in a notoriously terrible pet store. That was because someone asked the owner of the store to put the cats in the shade and give them food and water. The store manager was not motivated to do anything.

We managed to get the cats released. But not in time to save one of the kittens who had died from deprivation.

Eira has now been in Haven for over 1.5 years. We estimate that she is now a 3 year old.

Despite her tough life, Eira is an extremely friendly, affectionate cat. She is also a calm cat.

Eira is good with other cats and also with dogs. She would also fit well in a family with children.

The first sponsor gets to name a new cat and so we learn that Eira is Welsh for 'snow'.

She has received her vaccinations against common cat diseases and Rabies, flea control and deworming treatment. She is chipped and sterilized. And is litter box trained.

Eira is ready to start the next phase in her life and is looking for an adopter. Somewhere where she can find the same safety and well-being as she now has in Haven. And so she must have an indoor cat life or, if she can, go outside in a very safe enclosed garden.

Who can offer Eria this?

You maybe? – Check out our adoption procedure than. And don't hesitate to contact us contact for questions.

Or perhaps you know someone else to whom Eira would fit well and who you can provide this profile to? – Sharing is caring.

Eira, March 2024


This is a adopted cat

Image from the video of Freddie on the street

August 2021: Koky – the manager of Haven – notices a post in a local Egyptian cat Facebook group about a cat in need. There is a video of a cat on the street that is apparently paralyzed.

Of course Koky is going to save that cat.

Fortunately, he is not paralyzed. But his left hind leg is very problematic.

It is not possible to get his hind leg better. His paw is a burden to Feddie and is of no use. – In June 2022, a Feddie has an amputation of his left hind leg.

June 2022

Freed from his useless leg, Freddie can now move around without any problems. – Only people consider a three-legged cat to be 'disabled'. – Freddie is a cat through and through, just like all other cats.

Freddie was still very young when he came to Haven. We estimate he was born in June 2021. He has been in Haven for over two years now. – So he is now 2.5 years old. – Time for Freddie to go on a world trip!

Freddie's specifications: He has had his vaccinations against common cat diseases. Deworming treatments and flea control. Is chipped. Has been neutered. Has passed his training 'How should I use the litter box?'.

He is good with other cats and dogs. About his personality, Koky said that Freddie needs a few days to get used to a new person. But that he is a friendly boy.

October 2023

Our gentle boy has now spent most of his young life within the safety of Haven. Which is very good of course. Here he received sufficient food and medical care.

But that also means that he must also be safe in his new home. That's something we really have to be strict about. - See below adoption procedure for the conditions of an adoption.

Do you think Freddie might be able to record in your home? – Or do you have any questions?

contact us!

Does a cat not fit into your life now? Perhaps for someone else in your circle of acquaintances? – Sharing is caring!

July 24, 2022
October 2023


Safe Haven Egypt presents: Noodle. – A cat with a classic story.

Before the operations

A year ago, she was a nameless, almost invisible, alley cat among countless other cats on the streets of Cairo. And street cats live a street cat life.

If they are not bitten by dogs, beaten or poisoned by people, they are killed.

Noodle had been hit by a car and lay dying with a broken jaw and a badly infected eye. Despite everything, Noodle was incredibly lucky that a good soul saw her and cared about her fate. Noodle was brought to Haven.

Thanks to the support of the SHE community, Noodle was able to have surgery on her jaw and eye.

Unfortunately, the heavily infected eye could not be saved and had to be removed to prevent further infections. And with her remaining eye she can see almost nothing, although it looks fine. Antibiotics cannot solve everything. – So in practice Noodle is as good as blind.

shortly after surgery

Noodle has now been able to recover from her accident in the safety of Haven for a year. With medical care, without hunger. Without danger. With only friendly people.

She is now estimated to be 2 to 3 years old. Noodle is not (yet) a cuddly cat that constantly demands attention and hangs around your legs. But she certainly appreciates it when people come and give her some love.

Noodle can best be described as a calm cat. And she doesn't really like a lot of fuss. With her adoptive family she would be best kept with no more than two or three other cats. She will appreciate a quiet home.

November 2023

Practical: Noodle is ready to go. She is chipped and sterilized. Has had her vaccinations against common cat diseases. Has been dewormed. She will travel with her negative Rabies certificate. And of course all relevant documents.

Her new home must be a safe home. That is an absolute requirement. Noodle cannot and should never again find herself in a situation where she could end up on the street. There are no safe neighborhoods with 'quiet streets'. A car on a quiet road or a busy road is equally dangerous.

Therefore, Noodle must be an indoor cat. Or is she only allowed to go outside in a very, really very, well-closed garden from which she cannot escape. Which is possible but not easy. Or a cat run building can also be an option. – Whatever you do Noodle's must be safe.

Would you like to give Noodle a safe, quiet haven where she can live her best cat life? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure to see how this goes.

And if there are any questions – Pleaseask them.

Noodle doesn't fit into your life right now? – Maybe you know someone where she could find a good home. Sharing is caring!

August 2023
November 2023


This is a adopted cat

Safe Haven Egypt has a community from all over the world. And you see this in the names that sponsors give to their sponsor cats.

Seigen. – According to the sponsor, that was a famous blind warrior. And according to Wikipedia too. A Japanese warrior even from the 16th century.

Our Seigen does not have many similarities with the historical Seigen other than his blindness.

Our Seigen is a very, very sweet cat. Very affectionate. Also a lap cat. – When a prospective adopter asked for some very sweet cats, Seigen was one of the cats that Koky, the manager of Safe Haven Egypt, suggested.

Seigen is an ex-alley cat. A private individual rescued him where he stayed for quite some time. He has lived in Haven since May 2023. He was already an adult then. We suspect he is about 2 years old now.

Like all big boys, a blind Seigen goes to the litter box. The fact that he is blind should not worry a potential adopter. Blind cats know their way around perfectly, after some practice. That's really, really, no problem.

Seigen is ready to go. He has had his vaccinations. Is chipped, neutered. His eyes have been surgically removed and the eye sockets closed.

He will travel with a negative Rabies certificate and all his papers. There is even a very sturdy cat box included in the adoption fee.

Yes, there is. – There is £195 to pay, today €224. – See our adoption procedure for more on this.

Our boy has found safety in Haven. It must remain that way in his future adoptive family. He must be an indoor cat. Or may only be left outside in a very, very solid and professionally enclosed garden. A catio could also be an idea.

Some people take their cats for walks in a harness. Whatever it is; we don't want our Seigen to end up back on the streets. - You think; 'Who's going to let a blind cat loose on the street?'. – This has already happened.

Who can offer our Seigen a good loving home, for mutual benefit? – If you are please do not hesitate to contact us. -A sweet blind SHE cat; there is nothing better.


This is a adopted cat


They also have Oreo in Egypt. It's an Oreo that's over 3 years old. But not yet expired. It is now time for Oreo to leave Egypt.

Oreo was adopted as a kitten in June or July 2020.

Summer 2020

A question people often ask is; 'How did the cat lose its eyes?'. – We don't know that and at the same time we do.

Stray cats live to survive. They get sick. They get infected. And so often also the eyes. Without the right care, things won't just get better.

When Oreo arrived in Haven, his eyes could no longer be saved.

Removing them is not always necessary for cats in his condition. But at Oreo. In early December 2020, Oreo's useless eyes were taken away. This is to prevent future infections. The £40 cost – like all other costs – was met by the generous donations of the SHE community.

December 2020, just after his eye surgery

The operation was a success. Oreo has no problems with his eye sockets and is in good health.

He has been neutered and has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases. – He has been tested for FIV/FeLV and is negative. Has had the deworming and flea control treatment. – He may be blind, but he knows how to find the litter box.

Recently a prospective adopter asked about a very affectionate cat. A cat that could be a 'buddy'. Koky, the manager of Haven, provided the candidate with a number of candidates.

Oreo is a 'leftover' from that selection. That's a great opportunity for those lucky enough to adopt Oreo. Of the 250 cats at Haven, Oreo was among the few cats that Koky associated with 'affectionate'.

Look what a beautiful chin I have!

Koky described Oreo as 'He's such a friendly boy'.

Oreo, is a very sweet boy who is now almost 3.5 years old. Now he really has to find his adoptive home.

That he is blind is real, but real, no objection. Cats can adapt extremely well to their new reality. I – Walter – the writer of this text, have two blind SHE cats myself. The blindness is really nothing to worry about.

And so we are here. – And here is the question – dear reader – whether you could perhaps give Oreo a home. And could make each other happy.

Since the foregoing was not technically a question; 'Does Oreo seem like a possible 'buddy' for you?

Awesome! – We are not there yet, but it is a first step. Then take a look our adoption procedure. And if it is still a 'maybe' or if there are any questions please contact us. We are happy to assist you with any kind of pleasure.

If you can't give Oreo a home now, maybe you know someone else? Or would you be so good as to share this profile?

February 2021
July 2023
July 2023
July 2023


This is a reserved cat

Sunshine is once again proof that Safe Haven Egypt really has all kinds of cats. – 'All cats are beautiful' – but Sunshine is in a class of its own.

Sunshine's route is a little different than most Haven cats. Of course she is one 'rescue' but not by Haven. She was taken in by a family that took care of her temporarily. Or that was the intention anyway.

They planned to adopt her and take her home to the United States. - Awesome! … However? – No, otherwise SHE wouldn't be promoting her now. That plan to take her to the US did not materialize.

But luckily for Sunshine, the 2nd best thing that could happen to her happened; she got a place in Haven.

Port is of course an intermediate station. On the way to her 'final destination' (without the horror of the movies).

Meanwhile, Sunshine is about 3 years old, of which she has spent 2 years in shelter. She has more to offer than her appearance.

Sunshine is a very friendly lady. Very affectionate. A recent visitor to Haven also described Sunshine as very friendly but modest. She won't seek attention or try to jump into your arms. But when you visit her and give her attention, she will accept her with great gratitude and want to cuddle.

She gets along well with other cats and also cat-friendly dogs. There are also rabbits, chickens and a duck walking around at Haven.

Sunshine also has experience with children.

Medically, Sunshine can tick everything off; she has been sterilized and has had her vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. Deworming and flea treatment has been done. She has a microchip. And this lady knows how the cat toilet works.

She is ready to travel!

When that day comes, she will leave with all the necessary documents.

Sunshine has been able to spend the last two years in safety. It is an absolute requirement that this can remain this way. Therefore, she must be either an indoor cat. Or only go outside in a well-enclosed outdoor area. Some people build one cat run. There are even people who walk with their cat in a leash.

Who wants and can offer this beautiful lady a home? Does this seem like something? Take a look at our adoption procedure.

For questions do not hesitate to contact us.

October 2023
October 2023
October 2023
February 2024
October 2023


This is a confirmed cat

From the hundreds of cats living in Haven, it is now up to Ella to get her chance at a loving home. Her 'forever home'.

We also have to introduce Ella with a haze about her past.

Ella showed up in Haven in May. She is a little kitten. This makes her look younger than she is. Ella is estimated to be a 1.5 year old – 2 year old.

What an adopter typically looks for in a cat is a buddy. A sweet, affectionate, calm cat. This is what Ella has to offer.

Let us give Ella herself a demonstration of her affection;

As you can see, Ella has lost her eyes. Many cats come to Haven with heavily infected eyes. Antibiotics have their limits.

Her eyes have been removed and the eye sockets closed.

As bad as that is, this may have been the price Ella had to pay to end up in Haven. Of the many tens of thousands of street cats, only a tiny fraction can go to Haven. A heavily infected cat has a better chance of finding a place in Haven.

Fortunately, a blind cat does not know that she is disabled. They adapt extremely well to living without sight. In the beginning they will of course encounter everything. But very quickly much less. Ultimately, they walk through spaces as if they can see.

And don't be surprised to find a blind cat where you least expect it. Like on top of a seemingly inaccessible cupboard. It is therefore evident that a blind cat also knows how to locate the litter box flawlessly.

July 2023

Ella has found safety within the walls of Haven. It is therefore a requirement that this is present at the adopter. Ella must be an indoor cat. You can only go outside in a cat run or a very, very well-enclosed garden.

Some people take their cat for a walk in leash.

Ella has been sterilized and has had her vaccinations against common cat diseases and Rabies. She is also chipped. She is ready to travel with all the necessary documentation.

Who is ready to give our girl a warm, loving and safe home?

Is that you, dear reader? – Then take a look to our adoption procedure. And if you have any questions, know that we are there for you. – Nothing is too much for us. – Contact.

July 2023
July 2023
July 2023
May 2023


This is a confirmed cat

Balder is another cat for which there is no documentation of how it ended up in Haven. But in the end they are all pretty similar stories.

Photo posted on March 4, 2022

Let's say Balder was found as an orphaned kitten and brought into Haven.

At the beginning of March 2022, Balder will appear in the SHE Facebook group. The estimate at the time was that he was 3 months old. That puts his estimated date of birth in December 2021. And so he is currently 1 year old with his 2nd birthday approaching.

He already received the description then 'very affectionate and friendly'.

Here we are a year and a half later. Little boys grow up. And this boy is now really ready to leave Haven.

'He virtually came flying into my arms, wanted to be cuddled for ages. He is definitely overdue for his forever home.'


Claudia Bart, visitor to Safe Haven Egypt

Balder was brought to the attention of a foreign visitor to Haven. He demanded attention by pushing for attention. And hugs. Long lasting hugs.

October 9, 2023

Pictures say more than words. See bottom of this message. This is clearly a boy who can give his or her human a lot of love.

Balder has received his vaccinations against common cat diseases and rabies. Like all SHE cats, he receives a deworming treatment and flea control.

When he leaves he will leave with all his documentation of his medical status. He is neutered and chipped.

And yes, cats also use the litter box in Egypt, like Balder.

There are many cats with disabilities in Safe Haven Egypt. Not so with Balder. He comes with 4 legs, 2 working eyes and 1 tail.

Balder has spent almost his entire life in Haven. In complete safety. It is therefore imperative that Balder will find the same security with his adopter. He must be an indoor cat or go outside in a garden that is adapted so that a cat cannot get out. Or possibly via one cat run.

In Haven, Baller sits with many other cats. There are also a few cat-friendly dogs walking around there. And even some rabbits, chickens and a duck. Haven also receives visits from children sometimes.

Balder would do well in families with other animals and well-behaved children.

Do you think maybe you could give Balder a home? - Awesome!

Then take a look first our adoption procedure. That's always a good start.

If this sounds like something to you or if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you.

Does a cat not fit into your family? – Well, this is not something to do lightly. But perhaps there are people in your area who can offer a cat a home? – Sharing is caring!

March 2024

October 2023
October 2023
October 2023
March 2024
August 2024

(cat) disaster at the airport: help requested

Update: Koky's Facebook post about this see: (English) Facebook post from Nada Saad about this see: (English)

Update 01/10/2024 10:55 PM: Aubrey has been found. She is with Koky. – There is now active cooperation from the airport to find the 2 other cats. Source; (private) SHE Facebook group; (English)

Update 02/10/2023 11:00 PM: Not really news but a good 'state of affairs'; (English, private SHE group)

Update 09/10/2023: One of the two missing cats has been found in good health! (English)

September 28

Every day, a whole group of people work hard to provide a safe place for the cats staying in the Safe Haven Egypt shelter. And they look for a suitable adoptive family.

Koky, the manager, always lets the online SHE community know what is going on.

A few days ago she posted a message that support was still needed to enable the transport of 12 SHE cats to the United States of America. – The generous community raised the resources. – Everyone was happy and enthusiastic about the impending departure.

A little later came a photo of the transport boxes; our 12 SHE cats were now effectively leaving!

We welcome then at the haven with smile love and care and when they leave us we say good bye and we wish them all the happiness

Kareema Ibrahim (Koky, manager & founder of SHE
SHE cats starting their journey, photo for illustration

On Friday, September 29, our cats left the Haven on their adventure. To Cairo airport and then New York, USA!

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a nightmare.

The departure was just like usual. The cats were properly checked in for their flight

Flight 985, Cairo to New York (JFK).

Our 12 cats traveled together with the cats from another cat shelter.

Broken transport box

Seven(!) hours after the plane – as far as known – had left safely with the cats, the message came that 'something' had gone wrong.

Very wrong.

Somehow the transport boxes fell. All boxes were damaged.

Three SHE cats escaped at the airport. And also two cats from the other cat shelter. – So five cats loose at an airport.

Our blind boy Angus was finally found. He drank some water and then died.

Angus, killed

Good news is that SHE cat Shadia has been found and is now safe and sound at Koky's home.

There is no news yet from Aubrey. He is still missing.

Update 01/10/2024 10:55 PM: Aubrey has been found. She is with Koky.

The two cats from the other shelter are also still missing. Update 09/10/2023: One of the two has been found (and is fine), one non-SHE cat still remains missing.

So this all happened before the plane took off. The surviving cats were placed on the plane in their damaged boxes. Some transport boxes patched with adhesive tape.

Aubrey, missing SHE cat FOUND IT!

When the local SHE volunteer came to pick up the cats at the airport in the USA, they were outside in the pouring rain. Which was probably lucky.

The doors of two transport boxes were missing. The cats were still in there. Apparently too scared to run away.

Safe Haven Egypt was only informed 7 hours after the incident. It was not possible to clarify what exactly happened.

The 1st missing cat from the other cat shelter FOUND IT!

Those transport boxes are very sturdy. They don't just break from a simple fall. After insistence, there was nothing more than a weak apology and 'that these things happen'.

Unable to obtain information or cooperation from the airport, the airline Egypt Air or the shipping agent.

We didn't get Angus' body back. Airport employees buried him at the airport. This way we cannot investigate what exactly he died from.

The SHE community is sad and in shock. This – or anything even remotely similar – has never happened before.

We are angry too.

Missing, 2nd cat from the other cat shelter

How could such a fragile cargo be handled so negligently? – Why did it take 7 hours to let us know??!!

This also means that Koky and anyone she could round up could not search for the missing cats. Because they didn't know anything.

This is therefore a call to everyone who is well disposed towards Safe Haven Egypt and actually all cat shelter initiatives to put pressure on EgyptAir to help find the 3 missing cats.

And to investigate this thoroughly so that this cannot happen again.

Help bring this to attention through your available social media channels!

Update Sunday October 1: This Facebook post from Nada Saad (ENG) gives a more factual account of the situation,

Completely destroyed transport box

Note: this text is a free interpretation of the mind from this Facebook post by Kareema Ibraheem about this tragedy. She is known by the SHE community as 'Koky' and is the founder and beating heart of Safe Haven Egypt.

Short link to this post is: