
Sofia New

In June 2023, Kareema was tagged in a post from a mother cat who was lying in a cardboard box on the street with her 2 kittens. As always, Kareema immediately had the mother cat and 2 kittens picked up and they came to the safe environment of 'the haven'. The mother cat was named Sofia.

Sofia is estimated to be about 3 to 3.5 years old, the estimated date of birth is around November 2021. Sofia is a very calm friendly cat towards other cats and cat-friendly dog in 'the haven'. Sofia is also very friendly towards people, she will not push herself but loves to be petted.

Like all SHE cats, Sofia has received her vaccinations. This against common cat diseases and rabies. She is also chipped and has received her deworming and anti-flea treatment. Sofia is sterilized and is also litter-box trained.

We attach great importance to the safety of our SHE cats. A SHE adoption cat must be an indoor cat. A very well-sealed outdoor space or cat run is of course also good.

Who can offer this calm and friendly lady a loving home?

Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact