
Mylo New

Name: Mylo

Age: About 2 years old

Gender: Male castrated

Behavior/character: Mylo is a calm young tomcat who loves to be petted.

Medication/health: Mylo has a scar/small deformity on the right jaw of his mouth. Soon a number of teeth will be pulled.

Social with people: Mylo is social towards people, will not push himself but does like a pat.

Social with other cats and dogs: Mylo is the epitome of calm and gets along well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

How did the cat end up in the haven: Kareema saw a post about a young tomcat that was walking on the street with an injury to his head, she immediately went to get him off the street. When she found Mylo he appeared to have a large wound on his head and he was missing a piece of tissue and skin on the right side of his jaw. This injury has healed reasonably well but he did have a scar/small deformity because of it, so you can always see his teeth on the right. Soon a number of teeth will be pulled, which were affected by all this.

Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact

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