
This is an adopted cat

April 15, 2023, on the way to Haven

Saving stray cats is a kind of war in which hard choices have to be made. Saving all cats by taking them in to Haven is simply not possible. – Sometimes Koky will help cats that she knows about and bring them some food.

For example, Koky brought Maximus and his brother or sister, as street cats, occasionally some food.

When Koky came to visit again, Maximus' siblings where. Koky heard of a cat killed nearby that was probably the missing cat. Koky then decided to take that kitten with him to Haven. – And so Maximus arrived in Haven on April 15, 2023.

October 2023

Maximus' mother was captured, sterilized and released.

Today Maximus must be about 10 months old. He has become a handsome boy.

We suspect that his hair will become a bit longer than it is now, especially in the cooler climate. He is not fully grown yet.

Maximus is a gentle cat. And very loving. He is not a very energetic cat. He likes to leave foolish jumping around to other cats. He has no health problems.

However, he is not shy, he comes asking for attention and gently jumps on the knee instead of clawing at your shoulder like some cats do.

He gets along very well with the other cats in the group he is in now.

He's just perfect!

Maximus has received his vaccinations. Its anti-worm treatment, anti-flea treatment. Is chipped and neutered. – And obtained his certificate 'How to use the litter box' with honors.

Maximus is the only survivor of his litter as an ex-street cat. He has found safety within the walls of Haven and good care from its employees.

That is why we emphasize so strongly that our cats must be indoor cats. Although you can of course go outside in a very well-enclosed garden. We will ask you this during contacts with the prospective adopter. You will promise this in the adoption contract.

But ultimately we have no choice but to hope that the adopter is honest about it. Which unfortunately, despite all our concerns about finding a good candidate, does not always turn out to be the case.

Do you want to give Maximus a safe, loving home? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure.

The availability of Maximus here as an adoptable cat is thanks to the efforts of many people. – Please know that you will certainly not 'disturb' if you have any questions. - Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Does a cat not fit into your life right now? Maybe someone else in your circle? – Sharing is caring!

December 2023
October 2023
October 2023