Safe Haven Egypt presents: Noodle. – A cat with a classic story.
A year ago, she was a nameless, almost invisible, alley cat among countless other cats on the streets of Cairo. And street cats live a street cat life.
If they are not bitten by dogs, beaten or poisoned by people, they are killed.
Noodle had been hit by a car and lay dying with a broken jaw and a badly infected eye. Despite everything, Noodle was incredibly lucky that a good soul saw her and cared about her fate. Noodle was brought to Haven.
Thanks to the support of the SHE community, Noodle was able to have surgery on her jaw and eye.
Unfortunately, the heavily infected eye could not be saved and had to be removed to prevent further infections. And with her remaining eye she can see almost nothing, although it looks fine. Antibiotics cannot solve everything. – So in practice Noodle is as good as blind.
Noodle has now been able to recover from her accident in the safety of Haven for a year. With medical care, without hunger. Without danger. With only friendly people.
She is now estimated to be 2 to 3 years old. Noodle is not (yet) a cuddly cat that constantly demands attention and hangs around your legs. But she certainly appreciates it when people come and give her some love.
Noodle can best be described as a calm cat. And she doesn't really like a lot of fuss. With her adoptive family she would be best kept with no more than two or three other cats. She will appreciate a quiet home.
Practical: Noodle is ready to go. She is chipped and sterilized. Has had her vaccinations against common cat diseases. Has been dewormed. She will travel with her negative Rabies certificate. And of course all relevant documents.
Her new home must be a safe home. That is an absolute requirement. Noodle cannot and should never again find herself in a situation where she could end up on the street. There are no safe neighborhoods with 'quiet streets'. A car on a quiet road or a busy road is equally dangerous.
Therefore, Noodle must be an indoor cat. Or is she only allowed to go outside in a very, really very, well-closed garden from which she cannot escape. Which is possible but not easy. Or a cat run building can also be an option. – Whatever you do Noodle's must be safe.
Would you like to give Noodle a safe, quiet haven where she can live her best cat life? – Then take a look at our adoption procedure to see how this goes.
And if there are any questions – Please – ask them.
Noodle doesn't fit into your life right now? – Maybe you know someone where she could find a good home. Sharing is caring!
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact