
This is an withdrawn cat. This cat is no longer available for adoption.

Fallen angel on the street

If you follow SHE, you know that Koky's phone is buzzing almost constantly. Messages, calls, texts – all about cats needing help. Unfortunately, due to limited space and resources, we can only help so few cats. Simsim is lucky, in more ways than one.

It was August 2021 when Koky was alerted to a report about a kitten that had fallen from a building – four floors – and was now just lying on the street, not moving.

He was certainly still alive and some people had given some food and water, but other than that he was just left to die.

Unsure if anything could be done other than provide some comfort and human love, Koky arranged for the kitten, named Simsim, to be brought to the Haven. He was weak and couldn't walk, but nothing was broken.

With the right nutrition, medicine and vitamins, Simsim was soon back on his feet. It wasn't long before he was taken to the kitten apartment to socialize with the other pups.

Simsim has been a resident of the Haven for a while and is more than ready for his forever home. He used to greet me in the main apartment every morning and then wanted me to sit down and have a bit of time just for him. He loves cuddles and would be the perfect cat to have


Claudia Bart, visitor to Haven in October 2023

Simsim is estimated to be approximately three years old at the time of writing. He is an intelligent, gentle and friendly cat. He likes to accept affection and appreciates attention, but he is not a cat that always follows you around. – We make no guarantees once he is in a forever home; personalities sometimes change once cats have their own people.

Simsim should fit well in most households, including those with older, respectful children. He loves other cats as well as people, but could be an only cat if given enough attention and playtime daily.

Simsim is house trained, neutered, chipped and has had his vaccinations, including rabies. He travels with his original rabies blood test certificate and his vaccination record.

Simsim should not be allowed to run loose under any circumstances, not even in a quiet residential area. Like many of our cats, he does not understand the danger of vehicles. We want him to have a long, happy and safe life ahead of him. Simsim should be kept as an indoor cat, but one catio is fine or going outside in a completely cat-proof garden (with special fencing) would be welcome. Some of our adopters who don't have a cat-safe outdoor space have successfully trained their cats to walk with a cat harness, so that's also an option.

That said, we believe that with the right amount of attention, stimulation and involvement, cats can live fulfilling and happy lives as indoor cats. Our team can provide you with advice and guidance in this area.

If you're looking for a friendly, calm and gentle cat as a companion, why not consider our handsome Simsim? Maybe he's just what you're looking for.

If not, would you consider sharing this profile in other groups? We've found that most of our new adopters learn about us from their friends, colleagues, or someone who shared one of our posts. (share options at the bottom of this post)

Please help us spread the news!

This boy has been in the Haven for two years now, without a single offer for adoption. All “preparations” for his journey have been completed; he can pack his bags and fly away to a new life in Britain, the EU, the US or Canada.

If you are interested in offering Simsim a forever home or would like to learn more, be sure to read our adoption procedure.

Do not hesitate to contact us for questions or interest. We are happy to help you.

October 2023
October 2023
Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact

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