
Bob found his way to Haven two years ago as a young adult cat. As is so common with street cats, Bob had infected eyes. Such a cat has no chance of surviving on the street.

It was not possible to save Bob's eyes. Saving Bob himself was successful. He is healthy and his eye sockets are closed. Bob is an Egyptian Mau from Egypt itself.

“I'm Bob. Blind Bob.Many people think that blind cats need special care, but that is not the case. Every day I think that maybe today I will be adopted. I've been waiting for adoption in Haven for two years. I am three years old. I am one of the oldest cats in Haven. I'm afraid no one wants me. Koky says I am a good cat and whoever adopts me would be very lucky to get me.”

Bob via proxy by Koky

Bob is a sweet, affectionate boy who likes to follow you around. He likes to be carried. He is also a fan of cuddling.

Like all our cats, Bob has been sterilized, microchipped, vaccinated against rabies (with his original laboratory test certificate) and also against standard cat diseases. He is potty trained.

Given his gentle and friendly nature, we expect Bob will fit in well with most households, including those with respectful children. He should also do well in homes with other cats and a cat-friendly dog, provided proper introductions are made. Bob is a sweet boy who will not be limited by his disability.

Please note that Bob must be an indoor cat. What we hope is obvious. Going out is only possible in a completely cat-proof garden (with the special fence) or a cat run.

If you are interested in offering Bob a home, check out our adoption procedure. If you have questions please contact us.

We will do our best to contact you within 24 hours.

Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact

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