Update 'Friends of Safe Haven Egypt' project

image cat
Friends of Safe Haven Egypt

This project to promote Safe Haven Egypt's cats for adoption online in Dutch started on January 23. This with a first post about Pudding (still available) in the Facebook group 'Adopt a cat or tomcat NL/BEL‘.

The start was difficult because the message was stuck for moderation for several days without any apparent reason. But when I finally got a response from the group administrator, I had a nice chat. Got permission to post and even an 'auto-approve' for that group so my posts go straight to group.

I now had a group with 5.3k members where I could post in the SHE cats. Nice! – Could there be other Dutch-language 'adopt a cat' Facebook groups?

Yes. – Currently I have a list of 27 places I can post to. These include this website, a Twitter account and the rest are “adoptive cat Facebook groups.” Some are very small, some are very large with more than 10,000 members.

To post with a FB message if the cat is no longer available

We succeeded through such a post Dylan find a candidate adopter. That's great of course. It was noticeable that there was much more attention for Dylan, an Egyptian Mau, than for all the other cats, who, although certainly beautiful, were more 'normal'. At this time there are 5 cats up for adoption on this website.

The promotion of Pudding and Rosie has been completed correctly. The promotion runs in March Nemo, Tessa and Bertie further. Molly is in the queue. A schedule has now been made for posting the messages. The intention is to post 3 different SHE cats in a different place every day. With a total lead time per cat of 4 weeks to be posted everywhere.

I'm actually quite happy with how things are going. Being able to give one cat a home during the first month, the start-up phase, is fine. This website now also shows up in Google on the first page when you search for 'cat adoption Egypt' and 'safe haven Egypt', which is not bad. Visitor numbers are of course low for this website, but not 0.

And literally in the last few days, several questions have been received about the SHE-cats, no new adoption proposals yet, but that's how it will start.

If anyone has any tips on where I can/may post advertising posts of SHE cats, please let me know! Each post also has buttons to share that message, post it, via personal channels. That is of course also very welcome!


Walter Vermeir

Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact

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