
We regret to have to offer our Nemo a second time as a SHE-cat. Like so many before him, he had already left Egypt in 2019 for his (apparent) golden basket. But now he is available for adoption again.

This is the story of Nemo.

Nemo in August 2018 upon arrival in Haven

Anyone who has been following SHE for a number of years may remember Nemo from 2018-2019. This boy came to us around May 2018 with serious injuries after being hit on the head, which broke his jaw and left him blind. The eye that could not be saved was removed, while the other (translucent in color) was left in place, although it gives him no sight.

Given the very difficult start to his life, Nemo was expected to be afraid of people. He had a long recovery at SHE and slowly but surely he started to trust the local team. He became our gentle giant. A big boy with a docile and relaxed character, good with other cats and with people he knew. Despite his lack of sight, he was (and is) a confident climber, like many other blind babies.

Nemo in Haven

Nemo was adopted in August 2019 and went to his new home in the UK, along with another SHE cat. Shortly after they arrived and settled, our team received a call that the adopter could not fully care for the 2nd SHE cat (a paralyzed one) and asked us to take her back.

We offered to take Nemo too, but were assured that he was fine. Concerns were raised by neighbors who reported Nemo being let into an unsecured yard and climbing onto the roof, sometimes heading for an alley. We checked whether Nemo's microchip was registered by the adopter. When we discovered that wasn't the case, it was put in the name of one of our volunteers, just in case something happened in the future.

Fast forward 3 1/2 years and that volunteer was woken by an early morning phone call to say that a cat registered to the volunteer had been hit by a car and taken to a local vet, where the microchip was located, scanned, and notified the volunteer. That day turned into a several-hour drive to the South Coast and an anxious meeting with the vet.

We heard that Nemo was walking around freely in a busy street, where he was hit by a car. Although the car didn't stop, an animal lover saw it all happen. When she arrived at Nemo, he was lying by the side of the road. Not knowing if he was dead or alive, she picked him up and rushed him to her vet's office. He had no collar or tag. During Nemo's examination and x-rays, the vet scanned him for a microchip, found it registered and contacted the SHE volunteer.

Miraculously, Nemo had no broken bones or internal bleeding as a result of his encounter with the car, just some bruises. Other than that and somewhat dirty from the elements, Nemo was believed to be in good health.

We have no idea how long he had been free or alone. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like he has had much interaction with humans because he is afraid of humans again.

Nemo January 2023

Nemo is currently with SHE volunteers in their home as a foster family. They spend dedicated time with him every day, talking to him softly, letting him explore, offering him toys to play with. He can be gently petted while he is eating (one of his favorite activities) and after a few days in his temporary environment he can be petted occasionally here and there.

Nemo needs a home with an attentive, gentle and patient adopter (or adopters) who will give him the time he needs to rebuild a bond of trust. We've seen it with him before, we see the beginnings of one in his foster home and we know it will develop again with his forever adopter. Considering what he had been through in Egypt, plus this most recent incident, can you imagine any reason why he wouldn't be afraid?

No blind cat should ever wander into traffic. The vet and his nurse were amazed that Nemo was not only alive, but without serious injuries.

Nemo was a young adult when he was admitted to Haven around May 2018. Maybe 1 year old or less. He is probably about 6 years old now. Nemo must be an indoor cat, or be allowed in a garden with one catio or completely cat-proof fence. Under no circumstances will he be adopted where he could potentially find himself in a similar situation again. He has already used up two of his nine lives; we don't want him to go through any more trauma.

As previously mentioned, Nemo is an experienced and enthusiastic climber. Within his first few hours with his foster family, he had made it – confidently – to the top of the scratching post. His adopter should take this into account and have enough things to enjoy climbing; all fragile items should be put away, especially since he can't see them.

Cats that start out as shy or fearful can become very loving and affectionate members of the family. We have countless examples of this. Nemo would probably do best in a quieter household so he has time to focus on his adopter and develop trust.

All adoptions are subject to a successful home check and an adoption fee. See page What is the adoption procedure at SHE?

As this is a repost it will be less than our standard £195.

The photos below are of Nemo's current foster family. The other photos are older, from Nemo's time in the Haven. It also contains videos Nemo's profile in the SHE 'cats for adoption' post. For adoption applications, contact Holly or send a message to the local volunteer Walter for questions about this.

And SHE adopters, that's why we urge you to register your cat's microchip with the appropriate agency in your country. If Nemo had not been registered, he would have fallen asleep. This could have had a very different, tragic ending. Please check that your cats' microchips are registered! Even indoor cats can make a run for it!

Traveling between Cairo and Amsterdam? - Or do you know someone who will?
We could use your help to bring a cat as luggage. To be a flight parent for Safe Haven Egypt. (click here). - Contact